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master yi's picture
Just bought both hu cash packs

Just bought both hu cash packs was able to download the first whole series , but once bought the 2nd hu cash pack and there is no download link for it I'm just getting a video being played which is not what the package was described as? I'm a little confused so a little help is appreciated.

master yi's picture
So yea basically just looking

So yea basically just looking for if it is broken down into diff series like the 1st one was.

RyPac13's picture
Hi, The video download is

The video download is just in one file instead of multiple files. It should follow the order listed on the sales page, we just kept in in one single file since it had already taken 8+ hours of editing to get it there and there were multiple versions of the recording being combined into one, so it would've taken at least another few days and possibly caused a price increase to split it into smaller videos (and possibly a quality decrease).
The only difference though should be that you're downloading one long file instead of a few short files.
Let me know if that makes sense.

master yi's picture
The only problem im getting

The only problem im getting atm is that I cannot download it, Its just opening up when I click the download link, not actually downloading for me or given the option?

RyPac13's picture
Try to right click the

Try to right click the download link and hit "save target as."
If that doesn't work, email webmaster@husng.com with your skype, our webmaster should be on for at least another 3-4 hours tonight and can assist you personally.
One problem I've seen before is that people have "automatically open this type of file" selected on their browser (you could try a second browser or try to find that option within your current browser if that is the case).

master yi's picture
went ahead and downloaded the

went ahead and downloaded the file as you said and had no problem doing it like that, but the video I downloaded starts in the middle of the video I believe. Its does not start from the beginning and starts in middle of some topic and this is as far back as the video goes.

RyPac13's picture
Yes, it starts 30-90 seconds

Yes, it starts 30-90 seconds in. Unfortunately, the recording software did not capture the first minute or so of the class so it starts like that.