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micker's picture
New to hu sng, where to start?

Hey guys, i am a new player, and i want to learn hu sng. i played 25nl some long time ago, but decided i wanted to learn hu sng. I will start with the 3.50 $ turbos on pstars. any recomendations to free ebooks or videos, that can teach me something about the micros? most videos i find is about 30+ $ lvl but thats quite different since the lvl at 33s, is a whole other world than 3$ :b Thanks on regards fellow poker players :)

Barrin's picture
Well, there is the ebook you

Well, there is the ebook you will find on husng.com ;)Regarding the videos; anything that gives you a good understanding of the math and how to play draws probably is the most valueable for you on turbos. If you actually have a membership here you can easily find some videos for turbos.Have you considered to play the turbos on FT? They start with 50bb and Pokerstars does start with 75bb, so you have a shorter time / per game ratio.


micker's picture

Thames for the reply. FTP is not open for Denmark i Think. Any recomendations ón where to read about basic math / how to handle draws?which ebook Btw?

Barrin's picture
It might be best if you start


micker's picture

ahh i actually have that ebook downloaded, got any recomendations on which chapters to focus on? i read most of the first part of the book. However i do not seem to find the chapter where it explains about the draw and how to bet on it? or is it under the chapter on how to barrel?