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micker's picture
want to buy a coach/lessons ( HU SNG MICROS )

As the subject states, i am looking to buy a coach/lessons, that can teach me how to beat the turbos/regs on PSTARS, dont mind whicch one i dedicate myself to. im thinking the micros, as in the 1,50s or the 3,50s.Im a student at the university, so money is limited, but i can either offer a % of whatever i earn for an amount of time, or straight up cash.if anyone is interested/willing to help me please add me to skype "mickclausen" or reply here with informaiton.I am really motivated and dedicated and i am very eager to learn how to beat the micros.if this was posted in the wrong forum, i am sorry.thanks on regards :)  

bosow's picture
Just buy the greenbast pack

Just buy the greenbast pack and work on your own, it will be much better value  than getting charged the same amount for 1 hour of coaching.You can get coaching when you get to higher stakes it's really not worth at micros imho.

Greenbast's picture
 Some shameless promotion

Some shameless promotion following,1 hour of coaching, while being helpful, is unlikely to improve your game in a large amount.For the money, you won't be able to beat my pack. If you hired me for coaching, I would be covering much of the same information which I cover in my pack. Coaching certainly has its merits as you move up the stakes and need help finding specific leaks in your game. The pack is just over 6 hours long, so its approx $10 per hour of content. For comparison I charge $100 for an hour of coaching. While I would be of help to you in that hour, there is just no way I could cover near the amount of content that my pack has for $60. This is why I focus my coaching typically on $30+ players who already understand most fundamentals and need help finding leaks and exploiting opponents better. I truly am not big on self-promotion but it does sound like my pack would be of great use to you. 

micker's picture

I already bought your pack :) its like however, a lot of the things you explain, i already know, but i seem to still not be a consistant winner.  atm i got 200 games, with an roi of 3% lol. swinging from the 1,5 to 3,50 turbos on pstars. i was at like 14% roi at one point but dropped, its like i run bad for lfie, but i know thats not really realistic.

TheMachineCheck's picture
I have added you on Skype.

I have added you on Skype.

micker's picture

Still searching. - on the side, i will study myself beside from your coaching with the pack i bought. If you adding me, please be a winner urself at the micros or higher over a decent sample so i know your teaching me correct things.