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andrex puppy's picture
Andrex Puppy - Multitabling Mid-Stakes Hyper Turbos Part 1


Andrex Puppy  multi-tables some midstakes hyper turbos at $60-$100 levels on Pokerstars. He discusses tactics to use against players who have a low VPIP Out of Position and also the importance of not getting lost in a hand by making sure you have a plan in place for each street of play.

Holdenper's picture
Awesome vid! Ther are some

Awesome vid! Ther are some interesting spots in it. Liked the J7 hand, cool spot to donkbet:) GL

andrex puppy's picture
questions and comments.

hi guys please fell free to ask any questions about the vid making sure to put what time the hand happened and ill do my best to answer them

gl at the tables.


Sentin's picture
Toss up for my buddy Andrex,

Toss up for my buddy Andrex, how would you balance the J7 donklead and do you actually do so in practice vs most opponents at these limits?vamooooooo



TWITTER  @Sentin9&

andrex puppy's picture
hey sentin :) i think on this

hey sentin :) i think on this board as a default vs unknown player you dont need to balance here its not a spot that im leading that big a range so i dont expect most villains to pick up on my tendancies in this short time that being said if there checking back a wider range im going to start leading flop with a mix of tps fds oesd and gutters with at least one over to make it hard to play vs me that way i get to bet on all 3 streets with my value range and set up some profitable bluffs  tx for watching  -Dan

FCDplayer's picture

1:51 QTs - witch hands do you lead on that kind of boards? Against witch opponents do you lead and how you react vs rais(or call and over/under card turn)? 

andrex puppy's picture
hey fcd i think on this board

hey fcd i think on this board leading with a wide range of draws is definatly a good way to go as once they call they have a very capped range and there alot of turns that ether you improve in equity or you hit scare cards like j q k on thi sboard also if you do make a straight then villains are going to pick up equity them selfs so your likly to ge at least 1 more street of value.that being said id want to know that they wernt going to be cbetting over 75% because if they were id rather cr wtih these hands i like leading q10 here as its equty is bd so it really needs to play all 3 streets to play well and if you cr and turn fd its sort of an akeward spot . hope this makes sence. -Dan

FCDplayer's picture
Yeah, great explanation. Do

Yeah, great explanation. Do you give coachings? I'm in touch with sentin7 to make a session review (I'm waiting for new computer to make it clear with camtasia) but I'm looking for someone who would work with me 2-3 times a month to boost my skill against regs on 60$ level(I'm not so confident there). Let me know on Skype, if you're interested.