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Jakucevicius's picture
Best video package to start with

Hello, sorry if this has been posted before but I would like to know which of the offered video packages are best suited for low stakes turbo sng's (full ring) thanks

RyPac13's picture
Hi, if you mean full ring as

Hi, if you mean full ring as in 9 man SNGs, then none of the packages on this site are directly applicable, outside of heads up play. While I wouldn't use a 9-18 man pack to improve on heads up play (the packs we have here are far superior for heads up play than any non HU packs out there), you are going to want to work on a lot of non HU stuff if you play 9 man turbo SNGs.
We recently acquired www.sitngogrinders.com, and ILS Starting Out SNGs Pack is a really good one for a micro stakes 9 man turbo player. There are a few other options on the site as well, check them out if you get a chance (18 man packs should also apply for the most part as well).

Jakucevicius's picture
It seems like that the link

It seems like that the link to ILS starting pack is broken or the pack has been removed :(

RyPac13's picture
Thanks for pointing that out,

Thanks for pointing that out, A few of the links on the rotating area aren't properly working (they lead to a listing page that has old links). We'll get that fixed ASAP.
The drop downs should work fine on the menu under Video Packs. You can visit the page directly here - ILS007 Starting Out SNGs Videos

Jakucevicius's picture
this leads to crushing 18mans

this leads to crushing 18mans not the starting out package and that package is not in the dropdown menu either

Barrin's picture
Have you found it yet? I find

Have you found it yet?
I find it when I am going trough the drop down menu > multiple games > Starting out in SNG ........
Maybe this link will work: http://sitngogrinders.com/index.php/video-packs/sngs/starting-out-in-sngs-coaching-series-18man


RyPac13's picture
Thanks Barrin, you should be

Thanks Barrin, you should be correct on both the link and where to find it in the drop down.

Jakucevicius's picture
yeh i found it thank you very

yeh i found it thank you very much