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samurai95's picture
KQ/KJ 14-18bbdeep SNG HT

Hi guy.


What do you think just call KQ/KJ when our oppenent raise  many buttons.


Because if we shove , he goes pay with Ax+,PP and maybe broadways , but if we flat , we can crush all Kx,Qx etc....


So call can be ok or 3bet or 3b allin is better any situations.?



Barrin's picture



samurai95's picture
Sorry Hyper turbo ;)

Sorry Hyper turbo ;)

sir_lanka's picture

It would be intresting if you explained how and why you play the hand differently at this stack depth depending if it is a reg/turbo/hyper Barrin. Because I would probably play it the same way no matter the speed.
"but if we flat , we can crush all Kx,Qx etc...."
Yeah, but we pretty much need to hit to crush.
I think it depends alot on if he has seen you 3betshove alot before. We shuold shove less if we havn´t 3betshoved before. In general I think the best to 3betshove under 16-17 and 3bet small and call a shove over.