Hi I´m new to the site and just started playing HUSNGs on the iPoker network. I mainly play turbos and sometimes regular speed when turbos are not running. I have a few questions regarding BRM and where to start here on husng.com
I was planning to take some shots at the higher buyin when I reach 30 buyins and allow me a 5 bi stop loss; this because I want to jump up as quickly as possible.
Where do you think I should start here on the site?
Currently playing comfortably 4 games at once but the rematch pop up on the iPoker entwork is bugging anyone having problems with this?
I have played HU before but I´ve decided to start from the bottom with SNGs. I think I´ll start a thread where I´ll post goals, hands and whatnot...
BTW this is the HUD I´m currently using
Yes, rematch option is new and it is bugging (hanging when opp doesn't answer anything). I have written to the support about it and, hopefully, they will improve it.
As for BRM I would recommend at least 60 BI at turbos but 100 would be better.
rematch options is no longer available on iPoker, they might be fixing the bug