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errorpoker's picture
Is my graph good, bad or average?
This is my PT4 graph for around 1k Hyper Turbo HUSNGs on PokerStars. My average buy in is $1.93. My question is that are my results after 1k games good, bad or average? And are my swings normal?
Dipl.Komp.'s picture
obviously any positive graph

obviously any positive graph is above average, yet 1k games aren´t really too big of a sample to say sth concerning your long term profitability. and let me tell you, THOSE are not swings :)))  you will experience way worse along the way.

Barrin's picture
5% ROI are good. You still

5% ROI are good. You still should not stop looking for leaks in your play. Furthermore...1k SNG are not a good enough sample size - yet and also it would be helpfull if you could show us your adjusted ROI (EV ROI).
