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headsuphero's picture
pt4 graph cev roi / adjust roi

i just started using pt4 to track my hu hypers play. i can't seem to find this stat which shows up on some peoples graph. is this a custom stat or is it included already in the pt4 client?


ive emailed pt4 but have not received a response yet. maybe anyone here can help out thanks.

_dave_'s picture
on the results tab, check the

on the results tab, check the box labelled "ADJ" top right. While you're there uncheck "ROI" and "ITM".
on the graphs tab, check the box on the left "overlay net adjusted" if looking at a graph in $, or "Display All In Equity" for a graph in Chips.
The above will get you lines in the graph.
To show ROI Adjusted in the box graphic on graph, check "show information box" on the left if it isn't already, then "configure" next to it. Type "adj" to the search box, and double-click "ROI Adjusted" that appears in the list above. Then OK, and the graph should refresh with the information you wish :)

headsuphero's picture
thank you very much for the

thank you very much for the help