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Conservative_HuSnG's picture
graph explanation HyperHUSNGs (bigblind vs chips)

Hi i`have question about these 2 different graphs when i check my lines, checking big blind graph i see kinda bettet graph overall, than checking just chip graphChip graph over small session


now goes the same graph but in chips



what can we analyze from these two different looking graphs? does it looks like i`m getting lucky in endgame? I understand I should not be results oriented, but better to try play +ev game in every spot. But I am still curious what can you explain about such different looking graphs.

Best regards.


cdon3822's picture

1 tiny sample => probably not worth analysing
2 graphs are same shape
3 start hypers @ 25 BB, end @ 10BB
2000 chips = 80BB @ start, 20BB @ end
But your up about 10 BB
You probably lost some big pots when they were worth more BBs. 
If it was a significant sample size this could suggest your deeper stacked play is weaker than your shorter stacked play relative to your opponents.

Conservative_HuSnG's picture
Yes you were right i guess,

Yes you were right i guess, because after a bit bigger sample lines look the same, maybe in big blinds it looks better, i guess i have leaks in early game