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tom92's picture
Question about all in EV

Hey guys,

I just have a question but I'm not whining or anything. If I run 30k chips below all in EV in PT in SNG HU turbo, does that mean that I'm running close to 20 bi below EV ?


Thanks for answer.

Zairex's picture
Not really, you cannot deduce

Not really, you cannot deduce your EV from all-in equity adjusted graph, you could very well be running 20bi over your EV. All-in equity contributes to only a part of your real EV, which can be hard to measure without a huge sample. Still it is more probable that you are running 20bi below than that you are running 20bi over given this information. If you are asking if 20bi translates to 30k in chips, it does yes.

tom92's picture
Thanks for your answer even

Thanks for your answer even if I don't really understand how could I be running 20bi over EV with 20 bi under :)
You mean that all in EV only explain the EV when all in and non the EV on flop, and maybe I face up very good situation postflop?

Zairex's picture
Yeah. Also there can be

Yeah. Also there can be situations like AA vs KK where you both could make same decisions preflop if your cards were switched and your ev ( without rake ) for that kind of situations would be 0 even if the all-in equity for that particular hand would show that AA was huge favourite.