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USDcollector's picture
Hyper Turbo first hand review


My first hand review. Do I play this hand to simple?


No Limit Holdem Tournament • 2 Players


Hand converted by the official HUSNG.com hand converter

BB Hero 560  
SB My.little_De 440  

Effective Stacks: 15bb

Blinds 15/30

Pre-Flop (45, 2 players)

Hero is BB


My.little_De calls 15, Hero checks

Flop (60, 2 players)


Hero checks, My.little_De checks

Turn (60, 2 players)


Hero bets 35, My.little_De calls 35

River (130, 2 players)


Hero bets 70, My.little_De goes all-in 375, Hero calls 305

Final Pot: 880

Hero shows a pair of Queens


My.little_De shows a straight, Six to Ten


My.little_De wins 880 ( won +440 )

Hero lost -440


konieczny69's picture
Please, read the post
USDcollector's picture
new user

"In the Submit Forum topic screen, click on the button in the toolbar at the top that says html."
I can not find the button html. Can you tell me where I can find it?

TheCleaner01's picture

Even though the flop is not great I would lead with intent to find out where I stand, backing off to any agression or being v cautious when called.
As played I wouldn't have bet the turn as it doesn't make sense just to rep a 7 on this kind of board.
When he calls he showing u that he is looking for something or trapping, back off be cautious. 
When the ten comes on the river it doesn't match well to your bet against the 7, your either trying to represent a paired 7 and defending it, which your behind anyway. So chk back save yourself some chips.
When he goes all in you have to give up with the flush draw and straight draw on the board, I know it's hard I've done it a trillion times myself.
Remember "your way ahead or way behind" in your thinking when looking at board texture, helps me a lot.

Go forth and CRUSH !

donkeee's picture
Lead on flop, bet/fold river

Preflop  I like your check as your hand is not that great and you don’t really want to build a pot out of position, (unless you think opponent is limping with the bottom part of his/her range and you want to take the lead).   On the flop  Qh 6h 3h  $60   When it is checked to you, you have top pair (no flush draw) I like a bet of around ½ pot perhaps even $40 so that you make flush draws pay, and it is protection/value bet.  A bet here should at least fold villain’s air.
Turn  7d   ($60)
Hero bets $35    villain calls $35    I like your donk lead bet (hard to put your opponent on a hand here Villain may have Kh, Ah or a straight draw, unlikely to have a flush as it is a very passive line to take with such a made hand.
River: 10c   (Pot $130)
Again I like your bet of $70   (though another way to play the hand is to check, keeping bluffs in opponents range and you call a lower sized pot with top pair).   When opponent goes all in, what do you beat?  Very little.  Villain could have a flush and played it passively, more likely two pair or a straight draw that got there.  The reraise is so big, I would expect your hand to be good no more than 20% of the time, and a reluctant fold looks the most optimal play.
In summary, personally I would prefer a lead on the flop as you have top pair and at that point your hand looks likely to be ahead of your opponents range.  The check is not that bad though.   The main error appears to be the call of such a large reraise on the river which shows great strength.  Your river bet is part for value and information.    The all in reraise does suggest with a high probability that you are beaten.

USDcollector's picture
Thnx for your reply, I think

Thnx for your reply, I think that you are right at the conclusion that the main error is the call on the river. It's hard to fold cards with top pair.

USDcollector's picture
thnx for your reply! What do

thnx for your reply! What do you mean with  "your way ahead or way behind" in your thinking when looking at board texture?

TheCleaner01's picture
For example, You have a pair

For example,
You have a pair of queens,
There is a flush draw on table and a possible straight draw, both of which are 'way ahead' of your pair of queens which are 'way behind'
So if you call his jam... Your either way ahead or way behind. 
I know the thought process is like 'I have a pair of Queens, he' not allowed to be able to beat me' but his actions and the board texture suggest he most probable has the better hand.
We have to read board texture and opponents actions realistically to give us a chance to make the correct action ourself.
I'm no expert, but I feel for you in these situations as I have only recently started to gain a bit of self control in these spots.
Good luck !

Go forth and CRUSH !

USDcollector's picture
thnx for your reply!

thnx for your reply!

TheCleaner01's picture
No worries :-) Hows the games

No worries :-)
Hows the games going ?

Go forth and CRUSH !

USDcollector's picture
I'am a beginner, so play a

I'am a beginner, so play a lot on 1,50 and 3,00 USD stakes. I had a very good period in the summer. But now I find it hard to make a profit.
My biggest leak is, I think, the losses with a very good hand that I dont't fold. For example today i had a hand with two Aces, and still I lose because he had a street.
I see on the board that there is a chance that he has the street, but I make the presumption that the probability he has a street is low. 



TheCleaner01's picture
Im in the same boat and been

Im in the same boat and been studing HUSNG since January, gone bust before and try to take a differnet approach, not looking at my hand so much and more in the direction of what board texure denotes my opponants possible range and my percieved range and game flow.
Laying down Aces is a very tuff example and ultimatly takes skill and experiance to do, but i should imagine the presumtion that villain has a straight isnt as low as we would like it to be !??
Good luck :-)

Go forth and CRUSH !