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zzsuugabubus's picture

Hi guys!!

 I started playing hyper turbo heads up couple of months ago. After putting a lot of studies in it I decided to try 4 tabling. I am really interested in your opinion about my run so far.

Although I have a full time job I was able to grind out 4k in September, with a ROI of 6,92 %!!! I know it is still not "big" enough sample size,but might give some indication about my progress.

I've found the 7$ hypers on stars really very easy. People are doing such weird things at this level.

I was wondering that I shouldn't change stakes for a while, because the this level is too profitable to leave.

I'm I running only hot? Do you think a 5% ROI is sustainable at this level?



RyPac13's picture
A few thoughts: - Congrats on

A few thoughts:
- Congrats on your results, they are nice.
- Don't "rest on your laurels" aka, don't get complacent about studying and improving.
- You should absolutely move up, your success is a great indicator of success at the next level.
- There is no paradise of "very soft one level, but next level is very hard." Things basically gradually get tougher, and if one level is super soft, the next is pretty soft too.
An example, when I started in turbos, I struggled in $11s, took me two shots to move up, took me 3 I think to move up to $22s, then I crushed $33s with a huge ROI (something like 16-20% iirc) over a small sample. $55s went well too, but $115s took awhile (started at 1-3% ROI, eventually worked hard and got 8% 2 tabling). Basically, you'll experience higher ROIs at some levels than others, even against conventional wisdom. You'll get lucky and face weaker opponents and/or run good at certain levels. Remember all this, acknowledge it, and focus on what you can control: Improving your own game and continuing to try to make the best decisions you possibly can each game.
But my advice: Move up, see how you do, reevaluate. Don't expect to always crush, but work as hard as you can so that it is not a surprise when you do.

zzsuugabubus's picture
Thank you very much for that

Thank you very much for that intelligent and meaningful reply. I tried other forums and people there almost offended me for asking these questions. :) 
I'll follow your advice.