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TheCleaner01's picture
Some Advice Please.
Some Advice Please.
What really frustrates me is -
I can get totally prepared for playing poker.
Be in a good frame of mind.
Do some HH reviews.
I would have studied the night before, or before play.
And then I begin my session and I just turn into a zombie....
With my brains dribbling out onto the table as I suffer horrendous losses and make unbelievable mistakes.
It takes me about half an hour of mind numbing tourture before I suddenly wake up and start to play like a frightened animal trapped in a corner fighting for his life.
And somehow I manage to claw my way back out of the hole and regain my losses.
Rinse and Repeat.
Drives my nuts.
Admittedly I don't do enough HH review, but I do do 'some', and see my glaring mistakes and seem to be able to rectify them.
But there must be something else that is going on ???
I mean, I can't take this punishment indefinitely…. 
Slap me, do what ever, I don't care, say what ever you want. If I can fix this problem I will run like GOD.
Dipl.Komp.'s picture
you seem to be acting a lot

you seem to be acting a lot on impule, like making a mistake out of spite, because you don´t want to lose a hand.
your sentence "start to play like a frightened animal trapped in a corner fighting for his life." actually sais a lot about your state of mind. it´s poker! playing cards! you´re not out in the wilderness struggling to survive. you seem be making your whole life dependant on it, which can´t be good. try to find out, what the real problem is. aren´t you making any money in real life and are you hoping, poker can take that over and you have to leave the micros behind, because if not, well, then poker won´t make you any money either? that self induced monetary pressure very often can be a problem for small stakes grinders. i´m just wildly guessing here, so please correct me if i´m wrong.
i don´t really know what to tell you, you sort of have to find your own way out of it. learn to accept you can´t win every game, simply because it´s a statistical impossibility. it´s like a law of nature. you can´t fight gravity either, yet you wouldn´t ever think of jumping off a building, just because you´d like to be able to fly. what you describe seems to be primarily a psychological problem, not so much a lack of analysis. try to meditate, work out, whatever. sports helps me for example. or, if the above is true: try to find a job that gets you through the day and doesn´t make you financially dependant on poker, which really is silly if you play small stakes. financial security can help a lot with psychological problems on the table. again, just a wild guess.

3onthego's picture
I think the problem is we

I think the problem is we don't bother bluffing properly until we are stressed as it takes an awful lot of concentration to do properly. And so when we are fresh we make plausible bluffs and have the courage to see them through and barrel bluff. We then make a little money, consider ourselves amazing poker players and get hooked on the game.
Having made a little money and feeling like we deserve a little rest we sit back and stop bluffing and stop trying to spot his bluffs and play some level one poker and don't take any "unnecessary risks" with our hard earned & well deserved profit so far this session.
And so we watch it disappear slowly as our opponents continue to bluff while we play a better safe than short-term sorry game of poker.
Then we tilt.

TheCleaner01's picture
Thanks for your answers

Thanks for your answers guys.
Some truth in the financial aspects of playing and I know that's not helping.. but for various reasons there's not much I can do about it at this moment in time. 
So I think there is also some kind of entitlement tilt going on, if there is such a term, where you feel like you deserve to win and when you don't due to variance or bad play you tilt. 
But what I've noticed and what I'm trying to fix are these sessions where your brain just can't get up to speed quick enough and you just get hammered. 
I'm looking for some other kind of mental stimulation to get the brain more alert. I think I have to try some sports to get me up and running before playing !
GL and thanks for the help.

Go forth and CRUSH !

Dipl.Komp.'s picture
hang in there. while i was

hang in there. while i was studying i always used to be in financial trouble and used to react in a similar way, so i know where you´re coming from. you can´t force it, that´s a valuable lesson to be learned. the faster you want something, the longer it will take.

3onthego's picture

I'm looking for some other kind of mental stimulation to get the brain more alert. I think I have to try some sports to get me up and running before playing !


TheCleaner01's picture
You mean,

Peruvian Jamming Powder !
Just a +ROI would be enough :-)

Go forth and CRUSH !

cdon3822's picture
  Start by answering the

Start by answering the question: where does a winning player's edge come from?

TheCleaner01's picture
A. By staying adverse to

A. By staying adverse to losses ?
Please elaborate a little Cdon.

Go forth and CRUSH !

cdon3822's picture
Poker is basically an auction

Poker is basically an auction market for the blinds, with a twist => the winner of the auction keeps all bids made. 
Your edge comes from buying chips for less than their fair value and selling them for more than their fair value.
Chips trade back and forth and the margin you earn on this high frequency trading is equal to the extent to which you can trade on more favourable terms than your competitor, less the auctioneer's cut (aka the rake). 
If you are both trading on the same terms, money will simply flow back and forth. But you will both be losers because you both need to pay the auctioneer for his services.
Statistically you and your opponent get dealt the exact same distribution of cards. Where are you playing your cards more profitably than he is?
Or to continue the analogy of the auction market above, where is your competitor selling himself short or paying too much, that you can find a favourable trade (buy or sell side) against him?
I think this might help frame your thinking:

TheCleaner01's picture
Very well said, and Thank You

Very well said, and Thank You for the Link  ( Excellent read ) Loving the tilt discriptions -
"" I was a great tilter. I knew all the different kinds. I could do steaming tilt, simmering tilt, too loose tilt, too tight tilt, too aggressive tilt, too passive tilt, playing too high tilt, playing too long tilt, playing too tired tilt, entitlement tilt, annoyed tilt, injustice tilt, frustration tilt, sloppy tilt, revenge tilt, underfunded tilt, overfunded tilt, shame tilt, distracted tilt, scared tilt, envy tilt, this-is-the-worst-pizza-I've-ever-had tilt, I-just-got-showed-a-bluff tilt, and of course, there's the classics: I-gotta-get-even tilt, and I-only-have-so-much-time-to-lose-this-money tilt, also known as demolition tilt.""

Go forth and CRUSH !

teddybloat's picture

A good warm up exercise will help. Even adopting a power stance increases testosterone and has been shown to make people less risk averse