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bogdan314's picture
Hyper graph, 0 SD-winnings


My winnings graph after 514 games played shows me 0 showdown winnings, so all my profits are equal to my non-SD winnings. The EV line has met the profit line (I was above EV for a while) and my ROI is now 2.55 (I've been two tabling).

My question is: how bad is it if my SD is 0? Should I worry or is it normal? Does the fact that the non-SD is bringing me a 2.55 ROI compensate enough for that?

Dipl.Komp.'s picture
it´s hard to say because of

it´s hard to say because of two things:
1) 514 is not really a sample one can make reasonable assumptions on
2) you´d have to find out why your showdown winnings are neutral. did you make bad calls/ pushes? did you run into dominating hands a lot? etc.
i´d say after 514 games a neutral showdown winnings statistic is nothing to worry about. yet, you´d have to find out if you got unlucky or not. the EV-line can only tell you to some extent, you´d have to go through all showdowns in your tracker and analyze them individually.

bogdan314's picture
Thanks for the reply. I know

Thanks for the reply.
I know 500 is a small sample size, but I want to know what does it mean if it happens after, say, 10K games. Does it indicate bad play in general or is it just something normal and you should not concern about it as long as your ROI is good (although it comes only from non-SD winnings)? 
Also, I don't see how you could check thousands of hands in your PT. There has to be some statistical data to give you a hint, besides the standard ones.

Dipl.Komp.'s picture
another example: showdown

another example:
showdown does not equal showdown. say you play better on average than your opponents postflop. it is normal then to grind them down before you reach the push/fold phase of the match. say you have 700 chips and your opponent has 300. blinds are 15/30, you´re in the SB and you´re pushing 55. your opponent calls with AQ. you win. you just won 300 chips on a showdown.
another match: you and your opponent go back and forth all the time with chips, the blinds are 25/50 and you both have 500 chips again. same hand, but this time you lose.
now imagine you are playing 8 matches against an opponent. you win 5 of them, the only showdowns you have are the aforementioned pushes when you gain the remaining 300 chips of your opponent. the last 3 matches though you lose, while both of you still have 500 chips. your showdown winnings are 0 for these 8 matches combined, yet because you won 5 out of 8 matches, your ROI is quite substantial.
now multiply that by a couple of thousand games and it´s quite possible to have a positive ROI, but neutral showdown winnings, although i suppose that this is a rather marginal situation. maybe someone who has experienced sth like that can elaborate on that.