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kromaboy99's picture
No way to win money on pokerstars for me

Hello to All,


First of all,thx for this very nice site and forum,i am new and learning so much here!great videos too!

Well I don't wanna start complaining about pokerst*** here but I have few questions for people here who seems to win.

I was playing on Bwin (partypoker) and after 500 head up hyper turbos at 3$, I reach a ROI of 5% beeing around 55% ITM.

I switch on pokerst*** and after the same amount I have a ROI of -1% but ok the level is not better...even worst BUT BUT BUT 50% of the time I am all in with As + better kicker than my opponent,I loose, I really mean I loose 50% of my 70/30, I checked my hands review and on the last 40 heads up were I was all in with Ax again someone with Ax with a bad kicker I lost.

So my hand reviews are the proof there is somthg wrong..maybe 40 lasts heads up is not much for you but for me it seems strange.

I bought here the standard video pack and was very motivated to learn but I lost confidence on online poker, the problem with BWIN is that the rake is so huge!

I don't wanna believe it it is rigged or something else,maybe do we need to move in the upper buyin? I don't know what to do..

I just would know how you do to beat pokerst*** because I am fighting again the opponents + pks lol

Thank you everybody and good luck with the greats HUHT


raine72's picture
just give it time

Just give it time question to look at is your ev going up.  If your ev is going up then i would not worry about it just play more games.  I had a strech of about 11 k games where i lost but ev went up.  At time i only had about a ev roi of 1% so my edge was pretty small.  I am now at about 3 % ev so the swings arent as bad.  I only play the 30s but i avg about 3k games a month and i am up on year but have had about 4 loosing months where ev was up.  Sentin has a very good pack that shows you how to beat the games without out going into coin flips.  For the price of his pack would probally be wise investment.

kromaboy99's picture
Thx for your reply Raine72, I

Thx for your reply Raine72, I will have a look to his pack but I wonder how its possible not going into flips when playing Hyper turbos :-)

Sentin's picture
Haha thanks for the plug

Haha thanks for the plug Raine, first time I've heard it described like that. I think what you meant by that (correct me if I'm wrong), is that the vidpack has a heavy focus on postflop play and finding good bluff spots that should theoretically result in a lot of non-showdown winnings...but of course getting into a bunch of coinflip spots is an inevitable part of these games.
If you have any other questions please let me know and best of luck with your grind.



TWITTER  @Sentin9&

kromaboy99's picture
Hello Sentin, Thx to Raine I

Hello Sentin,
Thx to Raine I bought your pack ;-) 
I have few question about few spots I meet I would know if its possible to ask you few questions about..
Let me know...

3onthego's picture
Just ask. He'll answer you.

Just ask. He'll answer you.

Sentin's picture
Yes sure no problem. If it's

Yes sure no problem. If it's about the videopack itself you can post publicly, otherwise feel free to private message me.



TWITTER  @Sentin9&