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Barrin's picture
Is it supposed to happen?! May it even be destiny?!

I have been quite busy for the last 6 weeks and did not play a single hand of poker. To be honest; it felt kinda "nice" to have so much free time aside of poker - but then again, I am missing the adrenalin flowing trough my body, without poker!

So, yesterday, I sat down and let me two inner selfs battle over my future in poker. Should I invest this time again in poker, or use the time until next summer for some additional educational studies?

Usually, I make 'snap decisions'. I did not want to it this time. So I decided to wait for the new year with the decision. Still, I printed details on the education progam and follow up program I would like to do and played couple of hands yesterday.

Today, the wirdest thing happend! I did intend to starting a coaching video series that i bought earlier again. Everytime I do this, I would print out the description sheet of it. Now, the wired thing happend! First my printer would not print the sheet - the educational programs print were still in the printer - destiny, maybe? No, the printer was offline.

I started the printer and printed the single site. The single page print PUSHED OUT OF THE PRITNED THE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS PAPER (12 PAGES!)!

Is this a sign? Maybe even faith?

If I were religious (I am an Atheist) I would believe it would be an act of the dude with the white beard who lives up in the skies (Santa Claus?). I also do not believe in the flying spaghetti monster. But I believe in Jack Bauer. And, you might not believe it (!), 24 was running on my split screen right at this very moment!

Now, I do not know how to proceed. I do believe, that Jack Bauer wants me to play poker intensly again, but then again, I do not know if i will find the time...but, who has ever not done what Jack Bauer wanted him to do and survived it?

Please help me. We only have 24 hours left. :(!

cdon3822's picture
Lol. You playing heads up

You playing heads up again? I thought you went back to 6/9 man STTs? 

Barrin's picture
Nah, playing 6max hyper stt.

Nah, playing 6max hyper stt. It's real fun. :)
Today 6handed with ES of 14bb a fish called my open raise with T4o. 2Hands later he called me with 32o, hit his 2 and went broke on the flop.


cdon3822's picture
I occassionally see these

I occassionally see these kind of tard plays.
Like when you're playing someone who only defends min raises OOP about 30% of the time and then you get to showdown on a boardtexture you would have thought they hit hard based on their frequencies and they have something like 63s.
It's like, wtf you fold almost everything but you chose to defend the bottom end of the marginal holdings?
Their lines just don't make sense.
For example, seeing guys call down with 9 high and 4 cards to a straight => you can only imagine they thought they made their hand?
I sometimes make notes: "irratic fish, doesn't understand rules of poker let alone strategy"
If only these button clicking goldmines were more abundant :(

Dipl.Komp.'s picture
as a fellow atheist i´d tell

as a fellow atheist i´d tell you that there is no such thing as fate or destiny, just coincidence (of which i am sure, you´ll agree). and that you should go with what you feel (respectively: think) is best. sometimes decisions can´t be rushed. have a glass of wine over it. 24 hours can be a long time to think :)

Barrin's picture
Nah. I don't like drinking

Nah. I don't like drinking alone, so instead of wine I only have whine to serve.
24 hours of thinking ...IN A ROW? I hope JB finishs me up earlier. ^^


RyPac13's picture
"If I were religious (I am an

"If I were religious (I am an Atheist) I would believe it would be an act of the dude with the white beard who lives up in the skies (Santa Claus?). I also do not believe in the flying spaghetti monster. But I believe in Jack Bauer. And, you might not believe it (!), 24 was running on my split screen right at this very moment!"
My advice is simple - It sounds like you need to listen to Mr. Bauer.

Barrin's picture
Y, I think so as well.

Y, I think so as well. Tonight not the Boogieman but Jack  Bauer was  trying to get below my bed.
It was really  scary.
Mbe  i open up a 6max blog if it  is ok for you.


cdon3822's picture
Is there much money in 6max

Is there much money in 6max hypers? 
How many tables can you play?

Barrin's picture
There is money in 6max

There is money in 6max Hypers,  but the ROI is rather small and therefore mistakes are very expensive.
On Pokerstars you should have no problem getting 24 tables up on the $15 level and also  traffic on the $30 level is  very good.
If you CAN play 24 tables, is another question.
I  feel most comfortable with playing up to 9 tables at once and will try to increase  to 12 tables.


cdon3822's picture
Small like HU hypers? (~3%

Small like HU hypers? (~3% ROI)
I tried playing some 6max hypers. 
I was probably an epic fish out water not playing heads up, but it felt like a mexican shootout.
=> first in equity rules
=> get it in loose aggressively when there aren't too many players behind to steal the blinds and play super tight vs all ins to prioritise survival because even +EV calls will be -EV net of ICM considerations
There's obviously more to it than that? 
How much do you adjust to exploit specific opponents?
I'm guessing not much if you're playing 9+ tables. 
Have you just designed ranges for each stack depth in each position and try to put in mass volume? 

Barrin's picture
Most  common mistakes

Most  common mistakes probably are:
- Not considering effective stack, but stack size only (f.e on pokerstars in the first hand your ES is ~17 bb not 25bb)
- To big Cbet  size. Lots of players fold  to 35% or 40% cbet if they don't hit.
- Opening to wide
- Calling to wide  (lots of players will call you with JTs or A6o  even  tough they are heavily dominated).
- Not abusing the bubble enough
- Being to agressive on  the bubble (as 2nd or 3rd in chips)
Adjusting is very important. There is no way around it. But I would dare to say, that adjusting in 6max hypers is not that difficult  than in HU SNG. There are several  regulars I have a couple of thousand hands on.
Some of them are just good regs and some of them are  really good regs who will counter adjust, abuse and destroy you espcially on the bubble, if they have position on you. Against those regulars even a slightly -EV move like a flip might be  the best option, because, once the reg is gone, your ROI rises,  because  the table  just got softer.
I don't have fixed ranges. Or lets put it like that: I have not written them down  ^^. I  know what I play from wich position in the first blind level and in HU for all levels, but all things between are just adjusting. I am playing very tight in EP and MP and very loose on the BTN....CO play depends heavily on the BTN.
You also should  know when to play. Games during the day have way more  regs then those in the evening.


cdon3822's picture
Thanks for good info from reg

Thanks for good info from reg with what sounds like solid experience at these games. 
I would definitely be keen to follow your progress if you make a blog. 
I would guess Ryan wouldn't have a problem with it since I believe he also owns sitandgogrinders, which could benefit from some cross promotion to other SNG formats between his two video training sites. 
I was playing some 6max cash game zoom the other day. 
So weird. 
Everyone is SUPER nit at the stakes I tried (10NL, 25NL). And they make super small value bets, which is weird because you would think your 2nd pair on dry boards or top pair on wet board is sometimes good vs small bets but they almost always have close to the nuts. 
=> Which you wonder how anyone makes money if play super tight and then don't get any value from their strong hands. 
Do you just play SNG, or do you play cash games too? 
Have you had any experience playing bigger field hypers?

Barrin's picture
Yes. I even believe, Ryan

Yes. I even believe, Ryan told me couple of months ago, that I could start a STT blog here but not  sure anymore.
I also own videos from Snggrinders ^^
I never liked zoom...so I don't have any experience in this.
I have tried to play CG again (I started out playing CG in 2006) in the beginning of 2013, but playing 100bb is not that simple after playing SNGs for years. I love CG for the flexibility that it grants you. You wanna take a 5minute break RIGHT NOW? No problem.  Wanna sit some place else? NO PROBLEM! You also can gain the edge by buying HHs.
I do tilt much less in CG simply because, If i start to steam, I can  sit out and blow the steam off!
Ultimately I  decided that I have much more passion for SNG than I ever had for CG.
I have played in some hyper-satelites, but not much experience with fields bigger than 6max hypers.
BTW. there are also hypers (or in this case: superturbo) STT on FTP. They are very wired. If the player who would had been in the SB  in the next hand gets knocked off, there is no SB in the next hand? They were very soft, but also did fill up slowly.
