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julianbesso1's picture
New to Hypers... Help!

Hello everyone! I have a question for you...

First of all, I would like to talk a little bit about me. I´ve been playing reg hu for about 3 years with almost no extraordinary results. What is worth mentioning is that I never read theory about it (at least in the beginning). Taking into account how drastically the traffic decreased in that form of poker, I decided to move to hypers which I really like.

I´ve read that, in order to be a better player (no matter what form of poker you are playing), Knowing how to use a HUD is crucial. I think that this is one of my biggest leaks.

I´m currently playing 1.5 and 3.5 HT. Is it worth paying for a HUD at this levels?

An also, I would like to watch specific videos about:

1) The proper use of a HUD (Poker Tracker in particular)

2) How to take the best decisions at the tables according to stats?

3) Post game analysis

Thanks beforehand for your interest in helping.

Grettings from Argentina

Barrin's picture
The informations you receive

The informations you receive from a HUD will allow you to adjust to your opponent. But, you cannot adjust to your opponent if you do not know any theory. A HUD is an amazing weapon, but, if you don't know the game you are playing, it will end up just being another distraction.
Once you understand what to play and WHY to play like that, this is the moment, when you can add a HUD.


julianbesso1's picture

Thanks! Your answer was clear..
But when will I know that I´m ready to give the next step?

Barrin's picture
In order to adjust from your

In order to adjust from your default game plan, you need to understand your game plan first.
Let me make an example
You are watching a HU SNG Hyper video and a coach tells you to openshove 22.
1) You receive the information, that you should do it. You can do it and it will be worth it. But you do not know why you do it and therefore cannot adjust.
You ask yourself "why do i have to open shove?"
You will discover, that what matters is your equity. Your equity contains of 2 parts:
play equity + fold equity
Now you realize that 22 is a very bad hand to play post flop and therefore your play equity is really bad. You study further and realize that your opponent does fold so many hands when you openshove that your fold equity makes worth shoveing.
You now do understand *why* you did it. You do now know what you have to look out for. You will realize that 33 is very similar to 22 and you can do the same with it!
When you add the stats, you know that you have to look out for the fold equity. But you also realize that there is "play equity" as well.....you look at your HUD and see "uff, my opponent calls me very wide" - that is not what I want to see! Then you go further and realize, that he folds in 70% of the time to your 50% flop cbet....will you still openshove 22? Hell no! You are gonna minraise it and cbet any board, because you realize that your equity is higher now.
Bottom line: doing what you do, but not understanding why, is like playing with a chart in front of you that tells you what to do.....it might not be wrong, but it sure is not perfect.
If you realize what you can do and how to adjust, you can play 'real poker'.
To answer your lat questoins "when will i know that i'm ready to give the next step?"; once you know what your requirments are, you need the information. Those information (how often he raises, how often he folds, how often he limps) you get from the hud and this is when a hud makes sense.
/e: and no, I don't believe that PAYING for a hud (=buying a professionals hud) on the $3.5 is mandatory. It makes sense, if you can spare the money. But there are plenty of free huds out there that will satisfy your needs.


julianbesso1's picture
Thanks Again

I appreciate your answer. You have been concise enough to tell me what I needed

Ive tried to find a free HUD in the past, but I think that I had to buy PT or HM first and then download it. Please correct me if I´m wrong..
It would also be great if you could recommend me any of them

Thank you so much for your support. I´m a complete fish who has lot to learn..

Barrin's picture
Yes, you need a software in

Yes, you need a software in order to use the HUD. I prefer PT4 over HEM2.
I made a HUD on my own, to benefit my personal notes, but i looked around and tought that this one could be all right for you:


raine72's picture
If i were you i would contact

If i were you i would contact cog he has a 4 hour one on one class that will teach you all you neex to know to beat low stakes.  I think it is less than 500 dollars but should pay for itself by the time you are done with class.  if you are just starting which it sounds like you are it will make the curve move alot faster.  I myself took his class and he gives you excel sheets and pdf on what your game plan should be vs couple different opponents.  
I tried the route of learning on my own and had to break alot of bad habbits that we often pick up trying to teach ourselves.