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OhMyBunz's picture
How to overcome huge Blowups

Hello there,

i am not sure if this fits right into this forum but i have a question about overcoming a huge mistake.

I was playing a poker leaque in my local casino for the last 3 month or so, with 9 players qualifying for a final table. After all 10 tournaments i was ranked 1 on the list. I had a good feeling about my play and really concentrated on playing each hand in the optimum way every single tournament. I would consider myself more an aggresive player, capable of taking risks and barreling one street more when others give up. I had the feeling that i have an edge over every player and that they respected my game a lot.

Now it happened at the final table, i was patient, folded the first hands and got a feeling for the table. As i was in the Cutoff i was dealt 9/3 off suit and was trying to isolate a fish which was limping all the time. On the river i tried to rep a flush, but he snapped me with flopped trips, straights and flushes were all out on the board, he could only beat a bluff but i doubt that he was capable of realizing this. Overall i played a terrible hand vs a fish and managed to Blow off all of my starting stack in the 2nd level with 9/3os. I was shocked, left the table and asked myself how this scenario could have happened. 3 month i was playing concentrated and managed to waste everything with 9/3os in one single hand.

Sometimes when i know i am beat i "can not accept" it in my mind and shove it in, even i know that i might get called because i hate the feeling to "give up". This play sometimes work and i get good players to fold a hand, but often i just look like the biggest fool.

Is there anything i can learn about, should i change my mentality...i know that 9/3 off should go in the muck immediately, but i played the hand vs this specific player. i decided to raise him even before i saw my cards. should i say bad timing and move on like nothing happened or what can learn from this?

Best regards.

Dipl.Komp.'s picture
in my playing i guess this is

in my playing i guess this is also my biggest flaw by far. having a hard time to accept when you can´t win a hand and doing something moronic out of spite. i guess we´ll have to force ourselves to do something like count to 10 in our minds, slowing down our breathing and take those 10 seconds to contemplate the consequences of a stupid action. when i do it, it usually keeps me from doing sth stupid.

OhMyBunz's picture
yea that is actually a good

yea that is actually a good idea. i will try that. sometimes my mind gets blocked totally. for example i have a plan to fold certain rivercards, but when they come i throw all my plans away that i made 10 seconds before and push it in...i feel like a mentally retard afterwards i can not describe.