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alltrueisda's picture
Up to which samplesize is an opponent readless?

Hi Internet, 

Up to shich samplesize is an opponent readless in HUSNGs ? 

cdog91's picture
From the 1st hand bro you

From the 1st hand bro you gain information depends on d way he plays

Kieran Lynch

Barrin's picture
Once your opponent does

Once your opponent does something that diviates from your default definition of your opponent you have got a read.
Your question would make more sense in context of the 'stats' other than the 'reads'.


ImGen1us's picture
Right after the first hands

Right after the first hands you got stats and so on, reads is more when you see him doing sometimes good/bad vs the population tendencies or sometimes you consider good to note..example he check/raise small 2-3 times in a row low board like 752r and even this said its not much of a reads but good information about the villain so you could change a bit your defaut strategy and act according to what you observed.

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