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livb75's picture
Professionals stats for turbos and hypers.

Im looking for some stats (vpip, pfr, cbet,3bet etc etc..) from huge winnings professionals turbos and hypers, someone can help me ?

cdon3822's picture
This post comes to

This post comes to mind:
The stats on their own are not going to be very useful.
And "huge winning professionals" are probably spending their time winning huge, not posting their stats on forums :P

livb75's picture
Nobody never tried to monitor

Nobody never tried to monitor online professionals players ?


RyPac13's picture
It's not that useful to know

It's not that useful to know the best player's 3bet %. They play a mix of other best players in the world + some really bad players too. And in those games they aren't playing nearly the same way, they are 3betting different ranges against different opponents (and ranges change even vs the same opponent often).
Also sizing matters too. 3betting to 90 at 500 stacks is different from 3bet jamming at 500 stacks.

livb75's picture
Yeah what you say is as usual

Yeah what you say is as usual perfectly true.
Having said that, id be curious to know what pro players consider to be decents stats vs random and vs regs and not only 3b but all the main ones. (Not to try to mimic them, just to have an idea if theres a consensus and to see how far one can be from them.... and still very profitable haha)