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knoxxxy's picture
ROI at different stakes

For anyone playing $30 or $60 heads up turbos on stars (not hypers), what ROI were you able to achieve for each at the $7's, $15's, $30's and $60s?

I'm just looking to see how much it decreases by as you moved up the stakes to get an idea of what kind of a drop I can be happy with.


I went through my

I went through my pokertracker to get this info for you, I used evroi as that should give you a better indication.  Most samples are 800 to 2k samples.  The % doesnt seem to go down but I think that has more to do with the hard work i put into my game.
7s - 7.39%
15 - 7.5%
30s - 10%
60s - 10%

cdon3822's picture
lol cool unexpected trend in

lol cool unexpected trend in your results.
=> Arron's skill over time improved at a higher rate than the population's skill increased as he went up in stakes.

Yeah i was little suprised to

Yeah i was little suprised to by the results aswell cdon.  I defs noticed the skill level improving as I moved up stakes and the regs becoming smarter players but I did a lot of work on trying to understand peoples tendancies and ranges which I think the biggest edge comes from vs regs.  
I included a graph for you knoxxy ( at 60s)  just to give you show you how the roi and evroi can differ.

knoxxxy's picture
Thanks heaps for that, very

Thanks heaps for that, very useful info. Very impressive increasing your ROI as you moved up too.
Inspirational stuff knowing the ROI doesn't have to drop if you work hard enough. 
I'll start to post some of my results after I have moved up.

vishal100's picture
NLP in Seattle

if you want to get a rough (there’s that word again) idea of what your ROI might be for sit and go’s, you want to have at least 1,000 SNGs under your belt.Even then, your ROI from having played this many SNG tournaments isn’t going to be set in stone either, as variance can have a significant effect on your ROI over this sample size. However, 1,000 SNGs is widely regarded as the number you want to aim for before drawing any conclusions from or putting any stock in to your ROI. To get a good idea of what your real ROI is though, you want to aim for 5,000 SNGs. [url=http://changenownlp.com/]NLP in Seattle[/url]