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Mr snugglz's picture
sng software for mac?


I'm a complete beginner when it comes to HUSNGs but I really like the format, especially the hypers. I grinded up a micro roll in the .25 45mans sng from money won out of freerolls. I'm really tired of playing them since they take forever and I don't really have a lot of time to play. Here's the problem though: I only own a mac and can't really seem to find great learning and reviewing software that's mac compatible. Does it exist? If not do I even bother playing because I don't expect to be a winning player without study.

I'm sorry if I posted this in a wrong section or if this has already been discussed to death.

Dipl.Komp.'s picture
the only cross platform

the only cross platform tracking software is poker tracker 4.
for pretty much everything else you´d have to set up a windows partition on your mac. it annoys me as well that poker software seems to almost exclusively run on windows.

TheCleaner01's picture
Poker cruncher

Go forth and CRUSH !

Mr snugglz's picture
Thanks a lot!

Thanks a lot!