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TTLH's picture
What does this graph says ?

Hi All,

I need some opinion about my graph. I have been receiving some coaching but seems like i am not making it at all. 

Is 7000 games enough to deduce anything ? I am playing Hyper Turbos both $7s and $15s.

Any helpful comments are welcome. I really cannot figure out what is wrong here. 

After 7k games. My ROI is -2.17% (Adj ev is -2.49%)

This is the link to my graph


Thanks all.


Barrin's picture
The tendency shows that you

The tendency shows that you are a losing player. Not more and not less.
What did your coach teach you and who is it?


cdon3822's picture
You have positive NSD

You have positive NSD winnings but are being destroyed in SD pots by the look of it.
Probably need to work on your hand reading skills within the context of villains' tendencies to reduce the amount you are spewing chips.

crunky's picture
Could aswell mean that he is

Could aswell mean that he is a maniac throwing it all in alot
I would say you havent really got/understood the information right which you should take up with the coach you had, might be a really keything missing in your game which he/she can spot directly from the graph since they are probably the only one around who know how they have learned you to play.

TTLH's picture
Thanks Crunky

Hi Crunky,
Thanks for the advice. U are right, i think i may have understood information wrongly that make me unprofitable. I will review more and hopefully to see improvement in my game and hopefully turn profitable. 
Thanks !

TTLH's picture
Thanks cdon

Hi cdon,
Thanks for your advice. Appreciate it. I will focus on hand reading. I figured perhaps 7000 games is good enough to rule card distribution out. 