Two Bugs Fixed
CoffeeHUD was updated to v2.0.1 to fix two small bugs. There was a code error in the limp/fold vs NAI 7-13bb stat, and also an error in the name of limp/fold vs AI 7-13bb.
All users that purchased after October 17th, or that purchased prior to October 17th and have turned in their six digit PT4 code and email address are in the system and will be automatically updated. Users that purchased prior to October 17th AND did not send in their PT4 code and email address should follow the instructions and fill out this form.
Also remember - If they encounter any problems, users may need to go into PT4 menus HUD -> HUD Options, Profile Select / T and re-set CoffeeHUD as the default for appropriate site / table type.
Hi! I have your HUD and i really enjoy it, but some more general stats (like the number of games against villain, how many we won and lost, profit and profit adjusted, the percentage of hands we have won (from it we can see if we mostly win big or small pots)) are missing. I don't know, maybe not all of those stats, but it would be greatly appreciated if you add some of those more general stats to the next version. It can be like an opptional panel, so if other guys don't need it, they can switch it off. Thanks!
I'll check with the programmers to see what of that is possible, and we'll consider it for the next update.
If anyone else has ideas feel free to submit them here or email us.
I´ve been updated on my laptop but not yet on my stationery computer which still has the error message above. How do I get the update on my stationary computer as well?
Best regards Marlon "Di Leo201"
I just saw this now. Let me know if it is still an issue, but I believe restarting PT4 would auto update the HUD at the time you were having the problem.