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MojaveDreams Poker Diary

Hi all, im going to be keeping a diary of my Husng's in this thread for self analysis and motivation. I wans't going to start till febuary but a little cash in the big $11 gave me something to work with.

Going to start at the $3.50 hypers and hopefully get to the 60's by next year.

A little about me:

-27 year old from the UK

-Started playing poker online in 2012

-Busted my roll 20ish times for a total of £8000 lol

-Only recently starting to put the required effort in 

-Has realised the immportance of BRM and knowing my limits skillwise


Day 1 23/01/14

Day off today from work so got a small amount in, im hoping for 100 games a day if possible.

been watching Husng videos all month whilst i had no money in my account, learnt alot! i feel like a sponge that just keeps absorbing information.

Heres my graph for today most of my risky decisions were when i was in the lead so im happy with that, i also made some disiplined folds which im proud of.
I will Post some hands when i have more time to do so maybe even a video of a few games to get peoples opinions on my play.
MojaveDreams's picture
*SIGH*   25/01/14 Not much

Not much volume whilst been at work, but thats the least of my worries :( Due to real life problems i have had to withdraw bankroll to help pay some fines/rent/bills all in the same week! what a downswing lol
So ill be resuming in february, in the meantime i will just be studying off the tables 
See you Feb 1st :)