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hypersuccess's picture
Hyper HUSNG Players - please answer this question

Hey everyone i'm an aspiring poker player, i have been losing for years but eventually decided to try to pick one game i enjoy and pretty much play it exclusively and try to get good at it.


So I came into hyper husngs. I play $7 and about about $400 down. So obviously have problems in my game.

Today i started analysing my games i have 1300 games and not a huge sample but i think this is enough to start analysing my games? Would you agree?


My questions is this... i ran a report against hand groupings and realised i'm losing alot with certain groups of hands (e.g. other non suited hands 43bb/100) over 6,000 hands. For anyone that has a good sample and is a winning player can you please post a similiar screenshot so i can see the amounts these hand groupings should be at relative to each other, and then i can decide what to focus on first. This list doesnt include most of my winning hand combinations because i've filtered it by losing hand groupings and just posted the losing ones in the main.


Appreciate your feedback, and especially a screenshot of a report filtered for hypers over a decent sample at $7 ideally but if not any stake you play which might give me an idea what my numbers should be looking like in this report.


Thanks for advice!



Dipl.Komp.'s picture
  it´s better i think if you


it´s better i think if you drill down your analysis into small blind/ big blind. how well are you playing IP, how well are you playing OOP. in position, you should be making a profit with any hand at 7$. it´s also nice to see, how much you are winning without a showdown and with showdown, i.e. are you playing well postflop, do you know your shoving and calling ranges, etc.

i think it´s pretty hard to tell where your leak is from that chart.





hypersuccess's picture
Thanks S i'll check that out

Thanks S i'll check that out (i'm losing from both positions so have alot of work to do i think)


I actually feel a bit ill i'm showing 61.9 vpip from SB and 47.9 from BB, which are miles too low aren't they. I had no idea i was playing this tight...

Dipl.Komp.'s picture
yes, you are playing way too

yes, you are playing way too tight. for example your default strategy in the SB should be to play any two cards until villain adapts.

hypersuccess's picture
Thank S, i thought my vpip

Thank S, i thought my vpip should be like 80% is that too low? i started reading the free ebook on the site today and it says: vs standard player "Because our opponent is likely trying to see too many flops OOP and is too stubborn once he hits a hand, I think raising 100% of hands against a fish is an error. "


So i'm trying to figure out what a default raise percent should be for 7's.