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kromaboy99's picture
Facing 3bet Jam when we have small Aces

Hello everbody,

There is a situation where I feel uncomfortable with and I was wondering how to deal with..

When we are more than 20BB deep ( readless) and I min raise with A2--->A6 suited or not and get 3 bet shoved.

Is this a standard fold??

Important consideration, I play micro ;-)

Thx and best,



duvel666's picture
try and do the thinking

try and do the thinking process yourself and play around in HRC, ICMizer or other software to calculate ...

define the ranges...

what is your perceived raising range?
what range do you thing readless villains will 3bet jam

now derive what range you can call the jam with ...

the best way to remember things in play is to calculate and search it yourself... ;)

cdon3822's picture
Pretty standard raise fold

Pretty standard raise fold because a lot of villain's 3b jamming range has you dominated. 

If villain is 3b jamming super wide then it becomes a raise call. 

Micro opponents tend to be fairly passive so unless villain has presented symptoms of maniacspewtarditis, raise folding will be best pre with these holdings. 


Agree with Duvel, you will benefit from working through the calcs yourself. 

Some applicable info to get you started - see equity req for raise call.


kromaboy99's picture
Thx for your replies guys, it

Thx for your replies guys, it is a situation I really don't know what to do...I may consider folding.. also maybe have a check to the calculation tools..

best regards ;-)