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hypersuccess's picture
in a hyper is 4x+ same as all in?

Hey all, been watching some strategy videos and people tend to speak about how we act to 3x or min raise, but nothing else mentioned apart from how we act to all ins.


If i'm facing a 4x with 25bbs, to a treat it as an all in and just play my all in call range?


if not at what point does a raise with 25bbs effectively become a fold or all in response?



cdon3822's picture
It depends on your

It depends on your opponent.

But from what I've seen, guys that 4x, you typically have zero fold equity against => so yes they effectively shoved.

Except also consider they also gave you the option to flat and play for implied value which can be valuable with some holdings (eg. QJs).

Dipl.Komp.'s picture
i´ve seen a monkey that opens

i´ve seen a monkey that opens 5x and fold to a shove. more than once. can you say "exploitable"?


but that is a very rare case of idiocy you might encounter.

cdon3822's picture
Lol.Villain 5x


Villain 5x and hero looks down at his 66 @ 25BB.

Meh, hero has to get it in but he's not loving life vs what he expects is Mr Transparent Bet Sizing out for a splash at the tables.

Villain folds.

*WTF moment

Hero insta marks villain as fish.

Dipl.Komp.'s picture
yep. i played like 7 matches

yep. i played like 7 matches against him (needless to say i won them all, which, to be fair, was also due to the fact i ran good against him). in the final match he was so tilted that he open shoved every hand or 3bet shoved or shoved over my limps. that actually was the easiest of the matches. of course he also was chat tilting the whole match through. quite amusing being berated hellmuth style by a player who has no clue what he´s doing.

cdon3822's picture
Chat rage is so good.I was

Chat rage is so good.

I was playing a guy with reggish frequencies the other day (LAG IP, tighter OOP).

Opening 100%, cbetting 100% and had barrelled at every opportunity.

I have K7s @ ~ 20BB.

I flat his min raise, he cbets on 952 r

I call.

Turn comes 7 which brings a FD, he 2barrels.

I call.

River comes a K.

I check (with a wry smile and the image of a well groomed monkey in a top hat showering me with chips).

He 3barrels.

I call.

He triple barrelled 32o => obviously realised that his pair of 2s probably had no SDV on the river and so turned it into a bluff.

My flop and turn calls were because he had such wide ranges completely full of air. I thought it was completely standard vs how this guy had been playing. But he wasn't aware of his own image and that I might have adjusted.

He went BESERK in the chat.

And really didn't like when I replied "standard ?"

Pure gold trollage.


Dipl.Komp.'s picture
"That´s why you lose money

"That´s why you lose money online".

