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TicrabeX's picture
How does husng staking works ?


I'm not looking for someone to stake me here... I was just wondering.

I can understand how staking is done for a one time deal, for mtts for example... But I was just wondering how staking agreements work in husng games.

So, I figured I'd just ask the guys who know...


Consider a deal for hyper player: How does it work ? Is the player given a 100BI stake, then let loose ? What and when does he pay back ? What happens if he busts half of his roll, due to variance ?


If someone has a moment to answer this, I would have learned at least one new thing today :)

RyPac13's picture
Usually players are given

Usually players are given less than a full 100 buyins (to eliminate risk that a player leaves/so that a player needs to check in when down a lot after a bad session, etc.).

Most good backers keep good tabs on their stakers, and most good backers also offer at least some form of coaching, so that way when a player is struggling and needs some confidence/help most, the backer is there for them.