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sadbeats's picture
hyper turbo pack

This month, i am going to buy a hyper turbo pack, which one is the best according to you guys ?

I am playing 10's and 20's for the moment ? I can't afford to buy more than one pack so i would like to make the best investment .

Is zZzTILT and phl500 Present: Crushing Hyper Turbo HUSNGs the best one ?


sadbeats's picture
Nobody ?

Nobody ?

RyPac13's picture
It's only been 5 hours! I

It's only been 5 hours!

I would say that if we had a vote from pack purchasers, that the purchasers would likely feel that Crushing Hyper Turbos is the most valuable pack that we have (it's also priced that way too).

sadbeats's picture
thanks mate

thanks mate