My plan is that this is going to be a thread to motivate and help me running up the levels at Hyperturbos!
Atm i have a roll of $235 and im starting over at the $1,5 and going for a plan like this:
*500 games / level
*BRM: (stepup - down)
$3,5 : $280 - $175
$7 : $560 - $350
$15 : $1200 - $750
My only other plan is DISCIPLINE!
TOTAL focus when playing / studying, and i must never have breaks longer than 1day without a GOOD reason.
Please post if you have tips about whats the most important stuff to study, most common leaks and so on. :-)
And this is why im starting this thread.
I started playing HU-Hypers in Dec after a cashout due to unemployment.
Ive played 5max for fun between 6-8years or so on levels between NL4 - NL50, winning around $12k.
W.O.T with some whining between the lines:
Last year i got a stake+coach deal from a guy at a regional forum for playing HUCG, i found this rewarding and fun as HELL!!!
Sadly he wasnt much of a coach, he sent me a videopack "watch this and play NL50 on this site, ive made a deposit"...?
The deposit was 10BI :/ , well i started studying and playing and it wasnt that hard, insane rake though! (-$50 incl RB in total)
In 2 month i think we had 2 coachsessions, i continued to grind it out learning more and more and was pretty satisfied with ~BE incl RB in total after 3month as i had to study everything on my own...
Now he said that we had to move to another site which had lower rake and i loved it.
But this wasnt a "win" either, "Heres the login-details and i have made a small deposti as it was a problem with the bank, but it should be fine för NL30".
The deposit was $150 :S..
Some cold cards and a little tilt made me drop half of it in my first session, now i contacted him for the 4 or 5th time asking about SERIOUS coaching and a playable roll, or even moving down in stakes?..
I pointed out that this isnt a playable roll AT ALL and i dont even want to play with it..
"Naaah play on, it will be fine.. I dont really have the time for you". I took a break as i was a bit tilted on him but gave it a last try 3 days later, i obv lost the last 3BIs and contacted him again..
I said that i cant play like this,, i need the lessons and support he promised and a roll of more than 10BI. He never responded to that..
Sucky deal, Bad coach, halfdecent vid-pack, GREAT THING :-)
Sick and tilting as it sounds this is probably the best thing that ever happened in my whole poker-Career.It made me get my eyes up for HU, I started playing MicroHUCG at ipoker and reading alot of articles and forumposts, i obv didnt win anything due to a rake of roughly 30bb/100.. But i actually made about $3-400 in total incl RB :-)..
In November i took a break as some private shit happend, still googling and lurking forums..
Here i got my eyes up for HUSNGs and mainly hypers, in the end om Nov i read Mers Ebook and somewhere in the start of Dec i made a deposit of $84.
I ran decent on the $1,5 and could play $3,5 with a small but playable roll after 520 games.
First 70 games at the $3,5 i ran at 30%ROI :D .. But after that it was doomswitch on!
48BI under EV after a total of 660 games at $3.5..
But theres positive stuff here aswell :-). Running bad makes me more motivated both to play and study..
Done with my first day of this startover!
Didnt get that much game in as i started this project fairly late local time and its past bedtime atm.
Played 23 games running BE almost exactly on EV, i played my last 6 matches pretty bad though. I was to tired but so pepp to play that i "just had to", losing 5 of them :/, 2 or 3 of them was really cold but i played bad in all 6. Directly after one match i was a bit frustrated as he won 4!! ~30/70% at 30/60 and up ending up taking it down on a flip where i push ATh vs his SB-open 99. But then i remembered that i had a spot where i made a NAI 3bet with AKx at 15/30 leaving about a potsize-bet behind,, we flop 9T6tt and i gave up. As this was a callhappy player this is a MASSIVE misstake and i would say that i lost the match there, not even counting his drawouts!
Spots like this feels really good, as its something i can fix!!.
One thing a local pro said a few years ago came to mind earlier today.
It was about a CG-player that didnt know what to do, he wanted to play, he was dedicated as hell but didnt have the money for any coaching or videosites."Find the best coach in the world and sell him 6months of your life for 95% of your winnings"
Sooo, im throwing it out there.
Is there anyone that would want to coach me for a % of my winnings? (obv not 95%, ;-) ).
Anything between:
Someone to point me in the right directions of study, checking stats&HHs and such one month for a low % of winnings.
Someone who really wants to be my coach, then we make a plan on % and time over skype or something.
I will only take one as it will be negative for us all if theres more parts involved.
You will not risk anything as i play with my own roll, i just want to climb as fast as possible!
I think most coach not ready to jump in this kind of project. I think i have an alternative for you if your willing to work and put some volume (and no its not about playing on a site i want you to play for rb of something) just wanna ensure we see result in a certain timeframe.
Dont Let Variance Affect You!
Im actually not counting on anyone to take me up on this, (as im unknown...) even if i think it could be a win
As my plan is to grind and study as much as possible the next 4month i wonder: Whats your alternative? :-)
All up to youu Davelin no problem with it.
Thats why I answer you, you can contact me if you change your mind. Otherwise wish you GL and hope your gonna crush this you got good mental base i think!
Dont Let Variance Affect You!
Hey Davelin, i can help you a little bit, i'm very busy with grinding hypers, but i can give you some videos and also advices.
Add me on skype, id: razvanel101987.
See u there :)
Hey Davelin,
Wish you a lot of goodluck. My first advice is to read 'The Poker Mindset'. The variance is really big in HU hyper and it is something you might be struggling with. For the rest try slowly looking at improvements in your game. I would recommend to study Nash ranges from the SB and BB and try to know all these values by heart.
of just use JonathanM free hud for hem2 the nash charts in inside the hud ive made a video on it if you have any question feel free to ask ;)
Dont Let Variance Affect You!
Wow, great respons :-).. Im sure this is gonna work out even better than i thought!
@ razvanel1987, ill add you as soon as im home at my "grind-computer"
@ laurents, Thanks, i read that book a few years ago and found it really good and helpfull, maybe its time to read it again :-).. I am studying Nash (and other ranges as theres alot of people saying that nash is to loose, and the fact that EV för NAI-play isnt considered.)..
I havent played that much since last update as a relatives husband is in the hospital and i had to drive her to an important meeting. But i made the most out of the time waiting, i transfered all HHs from $1,5 over to my laptop and while waiting for her i went through my game. And also comparing overall tendencies to nash looking for deviations as the average player at micros thinks pretty different about handvalues than the math indicates..
Well, i just got back to my hometown and its time for some food, then hitting the tables!
Been thinking alot these last days when of the tables about my goals and after talking to ImGen1us, i know ive allways been bad at planing for my goals. Im usually setting good goals and i make a decent plan =i make it sometimes and sometimes i dont!
Because of that im going to set up an exact goal with a good plan for 2014!
I have only one maingoal for my poker this year:
[ ] -Reach $30 hypers and be a winner there.
--This will be done by a plan consisting of the following:
[ ] -Volume.
-[ ] -Getting more comfortable playing at my laptop away from my office at home.
-[ ] -1200+ games/month
[ ] -Focus on every spot, even the most basic spots has to be given a thought before acting.
[ ] -Study regularly: videos, articles and so on. But never more than one thing at a time.
[ ] -HM analysing at least 2 times/week by my own, and 1/month with a friend.
[ ] -Be more comfortable when taking shots at a higher level.
-[ ] -Take more shots.
Goals of the table to keep life fun and my mind motivated:
[ ] -Learn Spanish on my own.
[ ] -Visit at least 2 new contries including one new continent.
[ ] -Drink less alcohol.
[ ] -Exercise regularly, mostly running and flexibility (you do not want to be muscular and ugly).
[ ] -Cook more
Been having an insane studysession of 7h on my own this morning. I have continued to run like crap after stepping down to $1,5 and sure i am a bit under EV this period aswell but it cant be the only answer. After alot of videos and articles and even more HM-lurking i have found something really disturbing!! Im losing between 20-14bb deep, i knew this is a spot where i have stuff to learn, but losing so consistantly against fish is a disaster!!
Then it hit me that it didnt look like this when i started to play in December, so i compared HHs from then and now.
*One of my biggest leaks seems to be that im calling of to light at this depth, KX, QX and weak AX against wrong players.. fix: Work on better understanding tight jam-ranges!
*Im also a bit stubborn and cocky when catching semicold but playable cards, making cbets where i shouldnt, not considering oponents tendencies against limp/raise, it happens alot that i raise 64s/97x/Q5x, the flop comes semiwet K high against a player with 15% fold to cbet. Then i get lost, makes a cbet and give up on the turn! BIG LEAK!!!. fix: Work on focusing and understanding how we can/should adjust our ranges and if we should limp/raise depending on basic stats as call open, 3bet, fold to cbet, C/R flop, fold to turn cbet, agression.
Yesterday i had my first real day of playing, ive been playing 10-30 matches / day before that during my harder studying to get a better grasp of the basics! I played 58 games and despite still running in to nut after nut (both kinds ) i closed really happy with my play and ~52% wins.
On the studyside of it ive been writing notes (more like novells) about different aspecs of the game *Basics -Preflop/Postflop *3bet pots *<20bb-play *barreling *how to think about ranges. Im reviewing these every time i find a spot where i get confused, and i plan to review all of them once a week!
A quick question (as i guess alot of you play on stars): During Jan they have a "20+14 promo" deposit $20< and get a lump of $20 + $1/day for 14 days... To get this you have to put in a code when making the deposit, but cashier doesnt have a bonuscode-box, does anyone have any experience of this and maybe a solution? NVM saw now when reading more about it that it was only for new players, no info about that in the popup or the mail
Long time no see!
Ive been grinding along and studying alot. Sadly with very poor results. But that will get better in time :-) one cant run in to AQ everytime when pushing AX ;-).. Im still having alot of fun and learning alot all the time, so i dont mind running a bit cold.. Its better to save the Bolt-Running for higher stakes hehehe.
Ive started to watch "Crushing fish like a boss" by Sentin and as i really liked his way of working with oponents ranges in the HH-examples i got the idea to record a video of me playing for ~15min and then go through it slowly and range the oponents, i think it will help me alot with this as i have some problems doing this quick enough atm. So ive just recorded 4 games running for 17:33 and i thought that i could post the video here aswell if someone would be willing to look at it and give me some feedback :-),..
&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;br /&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;
My HUD shows the following stats:
Limp, Steal
Call steal, 3bet
Fold to 3bet, 4bet
Cbet, (turn), Fold to cbet, (turn)
Donk, Raise cbet, Fold cbet vs raise
Bet IP vs missed aggression, Bet OOP vs missed aggression
,AggF flop, turn, river
Agg% flop, turn, river
I was planing on posting this on another forum aswell where i wanted to keep my screenname a secret, thats why ive blurred it but it doesnt work! The blurring comes in after 1sec even tho i unchecked "1sec fade in" in camtasia studio.. Does anyone know how to fix this?
And one thing here thats pretty weird Why does the text jump 2 lines down? Even when using shift+enter?
LOL, I messed up!.. Tried to edit the video for the other forum and cocked up the link :-/.. And now i couldnt edit the video in the last post (i guess its because this post is a reply to that one?.... Well, ill just repost it here instead:
Reviewed the first match just now. Heres my coments and thoughts about the 5:50min and 25 hands of that match: (Important hands in italic)
KJx - Std.
J5x - Std.
A3d - Std until turn, im going for a C/R here and fail planing to bet out on most rivers if he checks behind, when river brings the 4flush i chicken out, But as he should check down most hands with SDValue i think we have to fold when he bets +its a "call me betsize".
A7x - This might be a spot to mess around postflop as its a flop that doesnt hit his range at all, on the other hand it doesnt hit our raise/call-range either.
44 - Std.
K3x - I think this is a questionable turnbet, he folds 100% to flop-cbets and the 7h smacks his callrange, against a range of 63% -top 25% we have 60%EQ on the flop and 47%EQ on the turn. I think the rivercheck is std as we cant get called by worse and cant fold out anything else than pretty much the exact hand he holds ;-).. If he would dont the river i guess we would have to call him as he has alot of draws in his range, no AX, should never donk a 7 and a 6 is pretty unlikely as its 2 pf them out there.
54d - Std, call one street with bottompair, my EQ drops and his skyrockets on the turn.
T8x - Std
73s - I think this hand is to weak to attack his limp at this stackdepth as it will cost me ~25% of my stack. Maybe i should bet out on the flop? i didnt because of the A.
T8x - Std
Q7x - Should be a std call even against a 46% open i think, !!!Mistake!!!
T9x - Std
Q5s - Should be a good hand to 3bet-bluff, not strong enough to call him, good sizing on the 3bet?
95x - I continue to MR as he has been semitight +high fold to cbet.
A6x - ....
87s - Std push at 11bb, getting lucky onthe river :-)
T8x - ....
AJx - Going for a Induce-MR instead of jamming despite the 8bb-stacks, as he has been 3betting as much as (if not more than) calling, great playability if he should flat.
K6x - ....
KTx - Induce-MR, calling of if he jams and still happy if he flats as it has good playability against his flat-range.
83x - Std
K8x - Maybe this should be a jam at ~12bb, I went for a MR as he has been playing tighter and as the blinds has been getting bigger and i think K8x would play really bad against his stack of range..
K8x - ....
AA - :-P
AJc - :-P
This was a project that feels really good, I will definitely continue doing this!!
Part 2 of my review, second and third game.. 5:50 - 10:40..
K5x - std.
J5x - ....
Q6d - std.
32x - .... - here i think we can assume that his push against my Q6d was a monster, Folding against one open, and folding 2 BTNs =tight player.
Q7x - i think this is std until he raises the turn, here im a bit confused but i think a call is the correct play!
i get good odds and i cant really see that i would have much FE at all.
KJx - std
A4s - std i guess, and here we should take the note that he donk jam flop with middle-pair.
ATx - ....
K7x - std.
ATx - std.
97x - feels std all the way, bluffable turn if he would make a small/std cbet.
T4x - std.
A3x - std.
QTc - std.
T5x - std.
72h - std.
KTx - std.
QJx - std.
65x - i think this hand is borderline PF as std, but he opens 75% and is REALLY weak post =he will often give me a chance to take the pot down.
std stab when turn smacks my range, and equally std giveup on river as it smacks his +this is the first time he calls a stab!
I dont think his line is worth an extra note as he plays it exactly as we would predict.
A3x - std.
T5x - std.
J3x - std, this is a spot where i used to call much to wide, not considering odds, position and the value of chips in a SNG compared to chips in a HUCG-match.
73x - ....
T4x - std.
A3x - ....
87c - std.
QTx - ....
K7h - This is a VERY bad call, We should always call tighter than nash!
+as its a 3bet we should tighten up a little bit more. and its not even a correct call acording to nash at 13bb!!! MISSTAKE
Hi Mr. SilverSurfer! :)
On the youtube, i can see you nick when starting the video :) I dont watch the video yet, just i can see it and I told it :)
Thanks for noticing and telling me :-), but as i said its not that important to me to be anonymus here... Just tried the censoring for a video going on another form where i want to be anonymus...
Thanks again and GL at the tables!
Nice thread Davelin.
I am also starting with hyper. Till now one big upswing play the game. If you like to talk more out poker you can add me on skype : nathy curiel
Good luck davelin
Keep us updated with your experience ;)
January just flew away.
As i reviewed Jan in HM this weekend i was a bit disapointed at first, i thought that the volume was really bad at 514 games but considering that i started the 8th and closed at 26th +studied ~50% of my time at the computer im pretty happy with that .. I had hoped that i would be able to play all month but i think that going to Stockholm for business+fun the last days was a great choise, i was done with Sentins pack and the game were killing me...
As its such a small sample its not much to think about, the results is just 2 cold sessions where i ran into dominating hands almost every AI, not much to do about it but keep playing :-)...
The plan for February is to grind pretty much all free time i have, this month for me is from 2 -23. Going to Thailand the 24th but as its much less study and more playing days i should be able to at least get 1000 games in but im ofc aiming for that 1200..
Ive had a snag with my Camtasia-license but as soon as i can fix this ill be posting a new video!
Haha, just gave myself a high five for getting over BE for the day!!!!
Had a hard struggle all day getting it in behind all the time, and the few times i got it in good like A8 vs A4 i got killed, but i didnt doubt myself once just kept beating!! Winning the last game got me up to 0.33BI and its not often im this glad hehe.. I know i did one light AI-call that might be bad and missed a couple of spots to steal so it could have been a good day just by playing better despite the bad run!
A Question:
I use HM1 as std but messed around in an old version of PO to find ChipWon/ChipEV. ChipWon for January looks like the BI-graph above, but the EV-graph for chips is at BE (The EV-graph for BI is at -15)...
How can that be so different? How is EV in HM1 calculated and can it be trusted?
Had an appointment at the hospital today and wasnt really counting on getting much game in at all. But after a good run there, then picking my new phone out from a friends shop scoring a contract of about $15 less/month then advertised, BINK!!
In other words a great day so i got pepped enough to put 27 games in before bedtime, ending up 9.5BI despite running pretty bad in some big pots in the first 10 games.. Just as yesterday im very satisfied with my play, one big difference im noticing while continuing to struggle and getting more and more used to the variance is the importance to stick with reads and ranges even when running like death!. :-)
Time for a Van Damme movie then bed! GLGL on the tables...
Tilted for the first time in a while today!! . But on the upside: Instabreak and a nice walk fixes everything!
I actually wasnt that much in the red at any time today but everytime it was a key pot or an "important" game i had no chance even if getting it in with AKs vs A3x and so on,. Still kept struggling and got a bit shocked when finally checking my daily results before shutting down:
3.3BI - EV 10BI
Obv the first feeling is "Cock, when will it be my turn?" But wtf, I think this is just good. I prefer getting used to the variance now instead of running decent up to maybe $7/$15 and then catching a badrun, did that shit at 5max when starting my "career" ending up taking a 5month break more tiltd than ever and had to start over att the bottom again...
I had 2 small study-sessions today, one sweat with a friend grinding NL25zoom helping him with some passive leaks,,, then by myself messing around in HM/EQ-Lab/Calc working on AI% with different randomhands and ranges against 3bettors between 15-40% (Divided in 5% steps)..
Again: Whats the differens between AI-EV(Luck adj win) and Chip-EV?.. Shouldnt The AI-EV of played games =AI-EV of won chips?
New One: Anyone having any good ideas of articles or videos on 3betting? (I think i have a good grip on how to handle 3bets, but im bad at doing it haha..)
When it comes to AI-EV and Chip-EV, it is the same thing in husngs, but chip-EV is without rake, so it can be positive while you real ev is negative. in your graph you played 500 games and is down 15 buy ins, if you payed 3% rake that is 15 buy ins in rake, so all you have lost is rake and your chips graph would be on 0. but HM1 could also be messing up something I think.
Aah!! feels pretty obv now when you said it hehe.
Again some thin days sadly, 0 yesterday and 8 if i shut down for today after this post as i will probably do. But one has to be a good boyfriend so im in our overnight-apartment by my girlfriends school taking care of her instead of grinding the weekend value ;-), but i have got pretty good game in the first days of this month so i can still make 1000 games before 24th pretty easy :-)
Im feeling a bit bad about playing only playing 19 games this weekend, but on the other hand i havnt had very much time and ive been very focused those 19!. One weird thing about that is that i hate playing on my laptop as i feel less focused, this obv makes me think about being unfocused -> making me more focused haha...
Home again and time to get grinding in about 15min!
On my way home i was reviewing my game a little bit, but mostly thinking about the mental part, i know i have a big edge in that i almost never tilt and when i do im good at taking instant breaks!. But i still have a BIG leak: when running cold i feel a need to lock up a green day pretty often, resulting in poor volume!. So this week ill be doing an old experiment that works well with CGs, i will not look at my roll or the graphs...
I will try to play 350-400 games.. Will be a bit hard to keep count but thats a later problem ;-)
Great first day of this week :-). Played 97 games and everything feels good, but i guess im pretty deep in the red hehe.. I won AT vs AA jam pre around 30-40th game, after that i couldnt win a single all-in ... But im not the one to complain to much, Whats to remember from today is that the most important thing is to just play and play and play!! And who knows, maybe im not that much behind.. It feels really weird but good not knowing that! .......
I got camtasia to work again i think so tomorrow is videotime!!
As nothing special is going on, just grinding out my 1k games for the month and rewatching Sentins pack i got the idea to post a few hands.. I allways mark hands that feels special in one way or another, good, bad, funny, weird........
So i went through my marked hands for the first blind-level and selected 5 hands that would be fun to get some comments on!.. All players are fairly unknown, illl just comment on my first small general reads and thoughts leading up to the spots:
First hand is against a limping player who has been passive postflop, (very small sample).
Second hand is against a loose player (60/40 steal/limp, 44/44 call/3bet) who has been passive on flop/turn but aggro on the river (small sample, 2 rivers).. As i look at it now it feels a little bit wierd, but my thoughts when playing was: no PFR =no AX so i raise for protection on the flop, a call here is 7X, 5X maybe some low PPs and a bag of draws, i follow up on turn even if its not the best card in the deck, river doesnt help any draws that the 9 didnt already help so i go for a bluffcatch... thoughts on that?.
Third is a passive fish, i stab turn as the board smacks my range and he doesnt cbet, linecheck river: do we check for SD-value/(bluffcatch) or bet to take it down?
Forth is a random, 10 hand sample and preflop he looks like a random recreational player, with the twist that he has been very aggro post..
Last hand, 19 hands: Tight/passive pre, 100% cbet both flop and turn..
Ok its a small forum, but not one comment on the hands? It has been a few 100 views since that post and i must have done some wrong or weird moves? Come on guys, fire away!
A little disapointed at my volume for the week, i made my goal but it could have been more.. A few hours here & there that i could have spent on the tables instead of in front of the TV!!
Well the game has continued pretty cold but at least its green now
I have 342 games to play before Sunday afternoon to reach my monthly goal of 1k games.. Then its 2 weeks of chillin on the beach with girlfriend, beer, sun & Fernet branca!! I.e the perfect break before giving $3.5 / $7 a new shot!..
Once again doing the week without checking results, it really works good to get that meaningless part of the game out of my head.
Hehe... Just watched Ep.3 of Sentins pack and got a bit chocked .. At one point in that video he says that his folding opponent is much to tight as its allmost impossible to get cards worse than 5bb-nash 4 times in a row..
38/169hands is <5bb in the push-chart ~22% 0.22x0.22x0.22x0.22=0.23% chance of getting crap 4 times in a row, is this calculation correct?
Before hearing this and going through it i thought i had a giant leak when playing shortstacked, but after a few hours in HM i realized that im actually getting unplayable card 4(or more) times in a row pretty often in Jan-Feb... Folding 5-6-7hands in a row below 5-7bb has been something that feels tight but as long as its 92s, 85x, 54x and such its the correct play so lets just ride it out!..
On one hand that kind of a statement that im actually running worse than i thought is in some ways a "good" thing, and sure, its nice to know that im playing good but it would be much more fun to find a big leak.. I WANT it to be my own fault that im still at the $1.5, because then i could fix it!!!..
It feels a bit weird to call this one of my worst months ever, but i cant remember EVER getting it in behind this much. Ive jammed good AX and SCs and so on at way under the correct depth running into monsters time and time again!.... And still getting <5bb-nash-cards on repeat when short....
But who am i to complain when booking a green month :-). (with a HORRIBLE finish haha)..
This marks the end of my learing-period at the $1.5, from now on i will play $3.5 and higher as i know im totally crusing the levels, my only obstacle now is that my BR might be a bit small, but thatll sort it self out with the volume ;-)..
2 weeks in Thailand then ill be back stronger than ever!!!
2 weeks+ without any poker what so ever. I actually thought that i would feel more, but it was is some wierd way natural!. Thailand was great, chillin, drinking beer, snorkling, fishig tuna......
Was thinking alot on the flight home (13h), because one thing i realized during these weeks is how much time i actually waste on nothing!. Down there i had much more to do every day than i have at home and i still felt that i easily could have been grinding 2-5h/day.
So my big focus the rest of this month will be to not waste time on the internet (wich i allready knew was a big timethief, but not this big!),. i may watch movies and series and do whatever lazy stuff i want away from the computer but when im not playing or studying im not allowed to sit here!! When i just sit and read shit or play meningless games at the comuter time flies and as i sit at the same place im not getting back in the mood to play quick at all, but when getting up to take a walk, cook something or just play some videogames i get back in the correct mood very quick!!
It will be hard, but my goal for this month is 900 games!! (was thinking 1000 but shaved 100 of due to a 3-day work trip at the end of the month)
And i will rewatch all videos i have, 1/day starting with Sentins pack.
Quick review of Phuket:
I love thaifood, and after 5 days there i HATED thaifood , but thats no problem as most resturants have very good intrenational food. So if your like me, dont eat thai 2 times a day for 5 days, guess that would make anyone hate any food hehe.. The beaches are amazing and theres often tents with drinks and simple foods every couple of 100m.
Regarding trips for snorkling/fishing etc: NEVER EVER (even if getting it for free) get on those horrible speedboats that take 50-70p to phiphi, maya-beach and places like that, we got it very cheep, saw alot of cool fish, ate good, feeded monkeys, and was annoyed as hell for 7h!! 50%+ of the people on these are russians with exactly 0 respect for any other lifeform, they take everything they want, they think people know their language and they probably dont even know of the words "stand in line and wait for your turn" (if your russian, dont take this the wrong way. Ive met alot of nice russians over the years and the few russians i know hate these type as much as i do ..).. The worst part of these trips isnt the attitude of people though, its the quantity. Its pretty obv thats its impossible to have a good snorkling-experience when you cant swim 1m in any direction without bumping in to someone... And an even worse thing is that these boats trashes the reefs, on our last stop there was almost nothing left (And when that island is trashed the trip will go to anotherone, trashing that..)
If going on a trip, then try to fix a smaller "private" boat, for our other trip we scored a fishing-boat, making one long stop for snorkling, one stop for some fishing. And all time when traveling we were trolling for tune.. This trip was truly amazing!!
I will probably never go back to phuket, i actually liked it but ive been on to many better trips and theres alot of other places to see!!!