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AspriringPro's picture
P4kp4t4k on iPoker


I like to watch the high stakes husng matches to learn from their style of play.  I hope to one day play in those high stakes games, but right now I am playing the $7 games  The player I like to watch the most goes by the name "P4kp4t4k" on iPoker, however the games do not run that often on that site.  Does anyone know his screename on PokerStars so that I can watch him on there?





AspriringPro's picture
I'm thinking it's maybe

I'm thinking it's maybe Serkules or Jossel.......anyone have any idea??



Pakpatak's picture
Hehehe, sry i have to

Hehehe, sry i have to disappoint u, but p4kp4t4k is non of above players :). And comparing me to those two hyper beasts is great honor for me, but they are out of my league. U can find me on PP.




RyPac13's picture
I've known him since he was

I've known him since he was in the $100s, maybe below. I'll shoot him a message and show him this thread.