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mrbeast87's picture
What should I buy?

Hey guys,

I'm not sure if I should buy the Standard Video Pack or the Greenbast Beginner Turbo Speed Pack. What are the main differences between these two packs? Does the Standard Video Pack cover everything that is covered in Greenbast's pack?

I started playing HU SnGs 4 months ago, and currently I'm profitably playing the $7s turbos. I read the Collin Moshman's book, watched most free videos here in husng.com, and I also read the Mersenneary's ebook. What pack do you think is best suited for me?

Barrin's picture
A pack from one user, with

A pack from one user, with parts building up on each other, is more suited for a beginner, because it is has a clear structure. You learn step 1, then step 2 and then step 3...


RyPac13's picture
As Barrin mentioned,

As Barrin mentioned, Greenbast's pack has more of a step by step guide to the game. The Standard Pack has more total videos and content, it's also older content too.

So you're really looking at volume versus structure, with a bit of newer versus older too. I'd honestly recommend going with the pack that fits your learning style better. If you feel you need some structure, go with the Greenbast pack. If you just study a ton and digest things well without a lot of structure, then I think the Standard pack is better.

mrbeast87's picture
Thanks Barrin and RyPac, you

Thanks Barrin and RyPac, you helped me made my mind.

I guess I'll go for the Greenbast's video pack then, as I tend to get lost when I have too much information. I'll also benefit more if I have a more structured package, as I will be able absorb more information in a shorter period of time, since it is better presented and structured.

Thanks again

He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man. -- Samuel Johnson

RyPac13's picture
Sounds good, no problem. Let

Sounds good, no problem. Let us know how you do.