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zizou's picture
Hypers, stack of 21-25BB and 25-29BB, different results why?

Playing low limit hypers.

I´ve been spending the day trying to figure out all the reasons why my results looks like these. Variance? Yes, but its not the whole story. Opponents adjusting? Maybe you can help me understand it better. I don´t really know exactly what my leak is.

Ive got these results, and i know ive been playin nitty but ive worked with that lately and opening more, but i still get the same difference in 21-25BB stack opposed to 25-29BB stack. I mean the effective stack is the same but i seem to have some leak in the 21-25BB stack? Like i said i opened up my open% but i still get the same results. 

In 10/20 blinds, when im small blind.   (BB/100 is wrong, its the stats for BB/hand)



cdon3822's picture
Sample sizes are

Sample sizes are small.

Equity adjusted winnings are positive.

Not sure what you mean?

Would be useful to split by position once you have a more meaningful sample too.

zizou's picture
It´s only from SB.  I guess i

It´s only from SB. 

I guess i wonder why it such a big difference between results in stack size 21-25BB and  25-29BB since they are at the same effective stack size. I don´t believe it just to be variance. 

cdon3822's picture
O ok I misinterpreted the

O ok I misinterpreted the data then => thought you must have been crushing OOP play pretty hard if these were aggregate results!


I think the data filter refers to your stack rather than the effective stack because you can't have > 25BB effective stack in a hyper.

Maybe over this sample, people play tighter vs your opens when you're ahead?

Possibly they nit up when they fall behind?

Samples are pretty small though, I wouldn't read too much into it.

RyPac13's picture
Your all in adjusted means

Your all in adjusted means how you've done after it is adjusted for all in luck, correct?

If so, it's a smaller gap than the bb/100 indicates. Also, the hand sample is just so small, and awhile you can't say it's purely variance, there's no way you can draw any firm conclusions from this sample yet. How many games is this total? It's under 1,000, which is extremely small to make any conclusions on about specific bb results.

All that said, I would look to see what YOU are doing differently at these two stack sizes. Maybe you get too spewy or too weak after 5-7 hands on average where you should be adjusting better vs your opponents when you have a little bit of information. You could be missing clear information to help you adjust and exploit these guys within 5-10 hands on average.

Or you could have some different strategy after 5-10 hands that is hurting you. Think about how you play differently at those stack sizes and maybe it'll be time well spent. Otherwise, just keep playing and trying your best and check in after 2k games or so.

zizou's picture
Thanks for your answer!  The

Thanks for your answer! 

The leak you are suggesting might be the case, but i cant be sure at this stage.

These stats are actually from 2500 games in the 10/20 blind level.