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chewbaka's picture
To move up or not?

I know this question has been asked a lot in poker sites.  Ok I know about how one should move up only if he has at least 50 buyins for agro ones) and 100 buyins for the ultra conservative ones.  Ok, I have a roll of $1,300 and I play the 7s. I started playing them recently just over a month ago and I have 5.5 to 6% ROI for around 1100 games, is this enough sample?  I don't want to play the 7s forever. What do you guys recommend?

1.  Take stabs at the 15s for every four 7s I play?

2.  Completely move up to the 15s coz I'm well over-rolled anyway.  You wuss!

3.  From your experiences, it is better to 2-table the 7s than to 1-table the 15s?  Is there a big skills difference between those levels that I should just consider 2-tabling 7s?

I am running hot right now to say the least, would it be a good idea to move up now or shall I wait for variance to hit at my current level before I move up?  I don't want variance to hit me right after I move up to the 15s.  You guys get what I'm saying?  Does this make sense?

As much as possible I want expert advice for this.  Thanks in advance.




Barrin's picture
The sample size is too small,

The sample size is too small, but you are enrolled and therefore can move up.

On the $15 the bad players are less bad and there are more good players. There are still plenty of fish and regulars that wont adjust properly.


FlyingMachine's picture
1. That's a good idea, I have

1. That's a good idea, I have the same approach. I think it's less stressful than playing only the next level.
2. 1300$ is not really overrolled, it's kinda ok imo. You can lose even 75 BI with 3,5% EV ROI. I know, I was there. :D
3. With your sample size, I think you should only 1 tabling atm. When you already killed 15's, and have some success at 30's, you can start thinking about 2 tabling. Until that I think it's better to focus on improving. (ofc you should always try to improve your game)