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cashier45's picture
How to play against every hand all-in morons?

Hey there)

At the lowest stakes on FTP people usually don't know the philosophy of HU at all. Some of them play even more stupidly, shoving all-ins every hand.

The question is, with what hands should I call? Any ace, any broadway, or wait for pocket pairs? It's somehow stresses me a lot when loosing to those type of players.

Thank you.

cdon3822's picture
Call when you have the equity

Call when you have the equity to do so vs a 100% range.

But I would be surprised if anyone shoved a legit ATC range.

cdon3822's picture
+ check out this thread for more explanation

If what I posted didn't make sense suggest checking out this thread:


The details are a little more fleshed out there.

cashier45's picture
Thank you for the link. And

Thank you for the link. And there are even worse guys, who maybe try to loose their last money in a fun way, just shoving all-in every hand, without any foldsĀ haha)