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Igor9669's picture
Do u think this is a good or bad way to play the sessions?

Hi guys.

Do u think this is a good or bad way to play the sessions like this:


Step 1: Start at 7$ hypers. If you win 2 then move up to 15$.

Step 2: If you win 2 at 15$ then move up to 30$. If you loose your first match at 15$ then go to Step 1

Step 3: Play at 30$ until you loose one then go to Step 1.


Play 55 minutes then have a rest for 5 minutes and then begin from Step 1 again.

Then if you have 50 BIs for 60$ level then your Step 1 will begins from 15$ level. And so on......


Exception: if you find a really weak opponent no matter at what level, you can play with him as much as u want, of course if you are winning him ;)


I will appreciate any thoughts.

TheCleaner01's picture

I must admit I have tried this in the past with no success.

Unfortunately your play becomes too focused on winning or loosing, which becomes a trigger for tilt.

In the worse case scenario leading to playing a levels high than your skill set to regain your losses and busting your roll.


I would suggest play the level you are bankrolled for until you reach the same bankroll for the next level. I.E 100 BI or whatever you choose, and then move up.

Just focus on making correct plays for the duration of your session and avoid the trap of checking your balance every 5min.

Good Luck.


Go forth and CRUSH !

Barrin's picture
This looks pretty much like

This looks pretty much like an anti-martingale (also called reverse martingale) strategy. It does not work in gambling, but may be applied as trend-following strategy in day trading. For Poker it is pretty much useless - at least in the manner how you wanna apply it.


Igor9669's picture
Thank you guys for your

Thank you guys for your answers.


I'm going to rethink that way of play. And may be I'm gonna include it for the last hour of my daily plan to have some shots at higher level to see what kind of leaks I might have there without any looses.


Also what do you think about multitabling at low limits (7-15$) games nowdays? Most guys at 15$ are 2-tabling or 3-tabling. Yestarday was a guy who was 6-tabling them))

Dipl.Komp.'s picture
Also what do you think about

Also what do you think about multitabling at low limits (7-15$) games nowdays? Most guys at 15$ are 2-tabling or 3-tabling. Yestarday was a guy who was 6-tabling them))


there is a simpsons episode where bart plays a full room of chess players simultaneously. a spectator said sth like "look at the boy playing 10 matches". right after he said it, every opponent announces check mate.


playing 6 tables is not the problem. doing so making a profit is.

Barrin's picture
It is all about the hourly

It is all about the hourly --> Multitabling is good.

But, if you sitll have plenty of leaks, it will take you longer to fix it, because you leak focus.


Igor9669's picture
Changed little bit the

Changed little bit the strategy and got a winning streak of 18 tournaments in a row! Could have 19 but lost with AK to A8 in preflop all in. That was pretty amazing feeling))