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joshamatthewman's picture
Playing vs min 3-bets

Hi guys

Question about playing passive fish, who aren't 3-betting much - say 10% - and are generally pretty weak fit or fold players:

If we open the button light, eg. T6os and villain makes a tiny 3-bet... we min raise to 40 and they click back to 80... should I be calling in position with such weak hands? I'm getting like 3-1 IP and villain probably can never fold overpairs. I'm guessing the EV of this situation depends on stack depth, and the deeper we are the more +EV the flat. So how about at 60bb, 30bb, or 20bbs?



joshamatthewman's picture
Obviously his range isn't

Obviously his range isn't just overpairs, which might make it more of a fold, because we have less implied odds...

adam25185's picture
Hi there joshamatthewmanAt

Hi there joshamatthewman

At 60bbs, or even 30bbs, the pot odds we are being offered are too good. Even if our opponent has an overpair, we still have the chance to flop a big hand, or get away from our hand cheaply. At 20bbs, you might want to consider a fold, since we will often be committed if we flop a pair.

Obviously his range isn't just overpairs, which might make it more of a fold, because we have less implied odds...

If he doesn't have an overpair, it makes a call more attractive, since we can often win with a single pair hand.

joshamatthewman's picture
Cheers Adam, I wasn't sure,

Cheers Adam,

I wasn't sure, because opponent has tight range, we have to fold almost all flops, and sometimes when we flop top pair we are going to be behind anyway. The only flops we are super happy on are 2 pair or trips, which is obviously so rare. We are getting say 3-1, but the odds of hitting such a good hand is much lower. Odds of flopping a pair are okay, but then there's reverse implied odds when we do. 

adam25185's picture
Odds of flopping a pair are

Odds of flopping a pair are okay, but then there's reverse implied odds when we do.

I agree that a lot of pot control is needed when we hit a second or third pair. Quite often we will just have to fold to cbet. However, there are many times that our opponent will make a bet that we can call, or the hand can be checked down. More to the point however are the reverse implied odds for our opponent; if he has AA or KK 60bbs deep, a min 3bet is a very risky play. The only way all the money goes in postflop is if he is beaten, which isn't all that unlikely. If we have AA 60bbs deep, the proper play is usually to make a pot-sized 3bet. Even though our opponent is likely to fold most of the time, our opponent can still call (or even reraise) with some fairly strong hands (e.g. broadway cards, lower pairs) and we can win a big pot.