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slavedog's picture
Opponent: Tight in position and loose out of position.

He calls all my 3 bet bluff.

How do I exploits this kind of opponent? 

adam25185's picture
Hi there slavedog Don't

Hi there slavedog

Don't understand the question. Could you elaborate?



Lawboyy's picture
Don't bluff?

Don't bluff?


Student who eventually gonna crush. Just learning. PM if u need a analyze-buddy.

Dipl.Komp.'s picture
how many hands are we talking

how many hands are we talking about? what situations? what stack sizes? what hands do you have? have you seen any showdowns from villain? etc. etc. without specific information, it´s impossible to give you a satisfying answer.





slavedog's picture
he's calling all hands out of

he's calling all hands out of position, then he is calling all of me C bets. When he is in position, he'  playing tight. About 40% pre flop raise and he also calling all of my check-raises.


Dipl.Komp.'s picture
again: how many hands are

again: how many hands are "all hands"?  2, 3, 6, 397? how do the boards look like that you check raise, what do you check raise with? have you seen any showdowns? how do you think villain perceives you?


but generally i´d say: tighten your opening range, limp more, cbet less. widen your value range, don´t slow play.




AGT89's picture
You are using the deafult

You are using the deafult strategy against a player who has clear tendencies, so you have to adjust.

For example, if he is tight IP (prf 40%) why are you 3bet bluffing?? Why do you check-raise a tight and strong range? You are giving him action when he has good hands and strong ranges.

And if he is loose OOP, I would suggest to barrel a ton, he cant have a made hand every single board.

Hello, when I put my key, and appears a start and I can not change, this is my key Product ID D9AA-6C30-93A3-9985-859D-2896-B3DE-4CF3. What can I do?

iLikeMary's picture
I know this type of players.

I know this type of players. They are limping alot, almost never opening and 3-betting ton from the BB. They are quite annoying but easy to beat. My suggestion is to Limp/stab more. Also Donking or C/R the Flop OOP in a limped pot works well. Also 2 or 3 barrel more, as they call almost every flop to see how you react. their style is kind of dependend how you play vs them.


slavedog's picture
Thank you! :)

Thank you! :)