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scoobydoo's picture
Why are there no HU Satellites even for HU events on PS?

Why are there no HU satellites on Pokerstars, even for HU events?

For the $215 weekly HU duel, SCOOP HU events etc all of the satellites are 4-max. Why? I have emailed Stars about this but received a automatic meaningless response.

You would think that a HU event would have HU satellites, but there is not a single HU satellite anywhere on PS. This seems really odd to me, it is not like no-one plays HU, especailly compared to 4-max which I thought hardly anyone played much of unless a 6-max table is shorthanded.

Anyone know why this is?



Barrin's picture
Probably because it would

Probably because it would make no sense. HU al ready is a winner takes it all format, if you wanna win the money for the $215 weekly HU duel, simply win a $100 HU match and you are as good as there. Why should they call it a 'satelite'? What possible advantage would you get from receiving a ticket instead of the money to buy your place in the tournament?

I really see NO reason for HU satelites to exist.


FishFromSVK's picture
Well, instead of 15$ 4max

Well, instead of 15$ 4max satellite they should have made a HU MTT satellite which would be more suitable for this format...

Barrin's picture
4 Player HU Sng Tournaments

4 Player HU Sng Tournaments are very popular. I really don't understand your reasoning.


FishFromSVK's picture
That's not 4 players HU SNG,

That's not 4 players HU SNG, it's just 15players 4max satellite to 215$ HU MTT