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drg's picture
Total noob, nerver played a game of poker but curious about HUSNG

Hi there!

If you where starting today in this poker thing and you were interested in HUSNG, how would you go about it?

I work 8 hour day 6 days a week and for the next 2 years I will be on a location where I won't be able to have much to do, so I thought. I could start learning HUSNG and earn some on the side. I'm extremely motivated and willing to put in 3 hours day, more on the days off. How much play time and how much study would you recommend for those 3 hours? Study time should be hand analysis and theory right?

And would you recomend me to start with turbos or hypers?

And what stake would you start in?



Thanks in advance.


Dipl.Komp.'s picture
... and earn some on the

... and earn some on the side.


unless you are super talented, that will take a while and you should also entertain the thought that it might never happen. if it were that easy, we´d all be millionaires. i don´t mean to discourage you, it´s just the way it is.  don´t expect anything in the beginning. the important thing is to have fun.


How much play time and how much study would you recommend for those 3 hours? Study time should be hand analysis and theory right?

i think it´s important to play a lot and try to apply what you learned in theory. probably 2 hours of play and 1 hour of study. also watching videos is really good. here on the site are quite a lot freely available videos.


And would you recomend me to start with turbos or hypers?

probably hypers. they are faster to learn, because you don´t have deep stack play there.


And what stake would you start in?


the lowest available on the site you choose. if you never played a hand of poker before, you don´t want to throw money out of the window, because you are having trouble reading the board. take it slowly, learn the "mechanisms" of the game until you feel comfortable with the very basics.


