Dear grinders,
I'm using coffeeHud and I would like to know if it's possible to check my own statistics in a similar way..I mean checking my flat % between 20-25bb and under, my Fvs3b...,OS and all other infos about my play because ok I can see my stats in the HUD but it's only for the current game.
Thx in advance,
check out this vid i made a while back, shows you how to do it :)
Thanks again Coffeeyay, I have version 2.0.5 and I don't have all stats for different stack size for the hero HUD, I can only see PFR/FCB/LIMP..
In fact I only have 6 stats from the SB and 6 from the BB, do I have to tweak the HUD myself or is there an HERO profile with more details? like the LITE version?
Oh I think I found it.
In HUD profile and changing to "everyone" is that correct?
Yes. I go through it in detail in that video.
Great video!!