Bought the zzztilt pack about a year ago, but life got busy. Just finished a few of the videos and got some $3.50s in. Giraffe below.
If the rigtards were right, my account is the exact kind that Stars should be boomswitching, haha. Y'know, the recreational kind that haven't played in a while and recently withdrew most of their meager roll. C'mon Stars, you know what to do!!
Anyways, my EV line is going in the right direction so that's what really counts.
Got in some more games. All-time giraffe:
Keep up the grind, funny boomswitch thoughts.
Got a quick 5 games in today.
All Time Giraffe:
Teach me the ways of the run goot, please!
PS will def compensate you! =P
PS is yet to compensate me. Got in another 25 games. All-time giraffe:
...made me laugh. The trick is to not worry about that for now. You've played a very meaningless sample my good man. I recently lost 19 buyins in 20 games despite my EV line dropping one buyin. I'm not the guy to tell you exactly when you should start reading into sample size (CDon where you at?) but I would suggest somewhere between 750 - 1k games is where you will get a decent reading on your ability.
To avoid this bugging you; why not play X amount of games during the week then check your results only on Sunday night. Hide your bankroll and also don't check that. It's what I do to avoid cursing dem nasty poker Gods and it has had a profoundly positive effect on my game. I genuinely go through weeks where I have no idea whether I'm up or down and as a result it doesn't affect my play or mental state.
Here's hoping the Boom switch is coming #pray4samzilla
Haha, thanks for the hashtag. Yeah, I know it's a tiny sample size, essentially a grain of sand on the beach.
Great suggestion about not checking my results/bankroll and I've looked into that. I need to be aware if I've dropped 15 buy-ins so I know to drop down in stakes. Was hoping Tiltbreaker could provide some kind of functionality where I tell it "this is my bankroll, this my stake, create a stoploss if I drop 15 buy-ins". It doesn't appear to have that specific kind of functionality.
That is simply variance. If you would had won what your AI EV line suggests, you would be about an 8% winner...and yeah, I don't think that is gonna happen.
I guess the simple solution to keeping track of my bankroll is to keep 15 buy-ins on Stars, and transfer the rest to Full Tilt. But it would be nice to not have to mix bankrolls.
Latest results. Today's giraffe:
All-time giraffe:
Keep at it buddy. good luck.
My first 15 games at the $7s. Happier that my EV line is going up than I am that I'm running over EV:
All-time giraffe:
Off to watch some coaching videos!
Welp, my brief bout of rungood is over. Today's giraffe. I pretty much spun my wheels, playing break even.
All-time giraffe (just focusing on my EV line):
Here's today's results. Got in another 30 games. I'm on a prescription that has me feeling nauseous as a side effect, but I kept my 14 year non-throwing up streak intact. Really felt like a day of spinning my wheels again, though I did end up a buy-in after everything.
And as per usual here's my all-time giraffe:
Hmm, some games must be missing from my full graph. Could've sworn I played 91 $3.50s and am at 83 $7s...which is 174. A difference of exactly 30...hmmmm. I'll fix it when I get home.
Proper all-time graph:
Finished my first 100 SNGs at the $7s. Wasn't sure how they'd compare to the $3.50s. Honestly, not much of a difference. Volume was tough as my last two weekends were spent in Seattle, Washington which isn't the norm. That's when I expect to get in most of my volume. Obviously made a few blunders and the occasional cooler. Still have a lot to learn:
Overall graph. Would kill for some run-average:
Had a real tough go of it last night, playing 40. Rounded out to 50 this morning and went much smoother (my EV line agrees although the cards still didn't agree).
All time giraffe:
Just played another quick 6 this morning. So frustrated at this point. I did the math and in only 248 games I'm 24 buy-ins under EV. The worst was losing a match where Villain was down to 30 chips before he won every remaining all-in, culminating in us getting it all in pre with my KK against his KT...yup, he made a straight and won.
Got in some more games this morning in addition to the 31 yesterday. Ran above EV, woot!
All-time giraffe at the $3.50s and $7s:
Broke the hundo mark in net won adjusted at the $7s:
All-time at the $3.50s and $7s:
Don't know if anyone has experience with OCD medication but it sucks. I have a hard time leaving the condo when I'm not on it cause of the OCD, and I have a hard time leaving the condo when I'm on it cause of the side effects. I didn't feel well enough to go to work this morning, but I did feel well enough to sit at my computer, which I hadn't the past few days for any reasonable amount of time. I got in 53 games to round up my $7s total this month to an even 150 games, and 250 games all-time.
Today's results (over EV, wut wut!):
All-time $7s:
Looking good man keep it up!
I have nerve pain and the meds I was on (lyrica) wiped me out last week... im really not sure if the side effects are worth the treatment half the time.. Sometimes we need to use that inner strength instead of the pills...
Graph looks awesome
Hopefully I will (wont might be better though) see you at the 7's soon!
I hear ya regarding the side effects. I'd love to do cognitive behavioral therapy instead of medication but therapy is ~$150/hr or more, whereas medication is $30 a month, lol. Go figure. Even in Canada, health related to a person's mouth, eyes, and brain isn't covered under MSP. Just doesn't make sense. Those things are all pretty important to someone's overall health.
Got in 80 games today. Another day of running under EV. Just to be expected at this point. Some people have to run over EV, some have to run under. Might get in another 20 tonight, we'll see. Slowly playing more games each session.
All games:
Took 81 games but I got back to positive net adjusted!
All time:
First 500 games (91 $3.50s and 409 $7s):
EV is looking great man. Keep it up!
Thanks Macker94! Worked on my EV line some more today! On my actual profit, not so much, but at least I made some money. It's the small victories.
Got in some games today. So this is what it feels like to run like god.
Between my games at the $3.50s and the $7s, I broke the $200 mark in net won adjusted. Always nice to hit a new milestone. All-time giraffe:
Haha nice. About time you ran good.
Thanks Ry! Got in a few more games the other day. About to get in another 25. Here's my giraffe up to the present:
Got in 21 games, not quite the 25.
Last weekend only got 8 games in. Didn't get in any during the week but I'm taking some time off between contracts at work to adjust to the medication I'm on, which will let me grind more. It's a lot easier to deal with any side effects at home than it is an hour away from home at work. Got in 22 games already this morning. This brings my total to 600 games played (91 $3.50s, 509 $7s).
Expect to get in another 78 today.
Got in 122 games so far this weekend.
Hit the 700 mark in all games:
Good lord today was brutal. Seemed like every time I shoved AJ, I was up against AQ. I get AQ, they've got AK. I've got AK, they've got TT. Especially when 10bb and less. The A would look like a godsend to me, only to turn out to be a cruel joke. At the end of day, I actually ended up running above EV so there's that. Had an 8.5 buy-in downsing. Fought hard to get within 1 win of being even for the day, only to immediately go on an 11 buy-in downswing. Got back to within 1 win of being even for the day, only to immediately go on another downswing. Boo urns.
Ended the day slightly less than 3 buy-ins down, which all in all, I'm pretty thankful for. Hit my 750 games so time for some homework.
The previous 139 games were rough, but my adjusted EV has been much more agreeable the past 21.
Only 38 more to hit the 900 game mark between all games. I'll post a graph then. Expect to hit that mark by tomorrow noon. Some games tonight, some tomorrow morning.
Well, hit the 900 game mark. Was close to hitting $300 in adjusted EV but hit a rough patch at the end. Boo urns.
Hoping to have my first 1k graph to post on monday or tuesday.
Close to the $300 mark in EV again. Hopefully I can get there in my 54 games to hit the 1k mark. Gonna get in those 54 games throughout the day today.
After getting so close to $300 in EV multiple times, finally busted thru. Of course EV ebbs and flows. I may very well dip below again, so I'll just enjoy this moment for now. 45 more games to go to hit the 1k mark.
Hit the 1k game mark. 909 $7s. 91 $3.50s. Results:
Turns out the 1k game mark is the boomswitch. I've played 100 since then. Here's my current all-time giraffe:
Rough day but managed to grind my way back.
All games:
This has got to be a very inspirational thread for many players.
You start out running bad, but keep at it. You update constantly, but still keep things in perspective with the long term graph.
Nice to see the lines are evening out, and the graph is good. I hope this is just the beginning for your poker career.
Thanks for the kind words, Ry!! It's really appreciated.
My last 3 days of playing have been super swingy. Today, when I was making money, my EV was going down. And when my EV started going up, the money started going down, haha.
All games:
Which limit and website are you playing at this moment?
Today was not a good variance day:
I ran below EV for ~1k games. Then I ran above EV for ~391 games. Though it was glorious while it briefly lasted, now I'm back to running below EV, haha. Such is my lot in life.
Since my last post, the basic way I've been running is: lose ~10 buy-ins for the 1st half of a session, win it back in the 2nd half.
Haven't played as much this past week since I've had a lot of life getting in the way, the biggest thing being that I got engaged and spent american thanksgiving in Seatttle with my fiancee.
If my internet gets its shit together tonight, I'll get in 40 games tonight otherwise that'll have to wait until wednesday. The plan is to play 3 weekdays, getting in 40 games a night on those 3 days. 80 games a day on weekends.
Here's my latest graph:
December was a write-off. EV-wise my January started off great for the first 34 games, but it's been just about downhill ever since.
Didn't have the best January but I've managed to turn my EV around. Really trying not to look at it.
It's the little things that get to me. Like that villain that just won't go away. Getting it all in 3 times in an SnG as a 70/30 favorite...and losing all 3 to lose the match. That's the kinduv stuff that tilts me.
As far as life goes, my last two days have sucked. My car got towed, my phone died, and my left speaker just blew in my mix room. That's $500 right there. Right back to square one. But at least I'm playing plus EV poker again.