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lZeroOneOneTwol's picture
Micro Strategy Videos?

Hello all.

Just starting out playing some HUSNG's and can't find any micro stakes strategy videos or articles, they all seem to 

be aimed towards mid/high stakes. 

Can anyone point me in the right direction?


RyPac13's picture
We've got a brand new free

We've got a brand new free video aimed at beginners on the main page.

Mersenneary's free ebook is a great place to look as well. Coffeeyay's Math in HUSNGs is accessible for beginners too.

Pbogz has some good free videos that are pretty easy to digest and should give you some good solid advice.

lZeroOneOneTwol's picture
Thanks for all these

Thanks for all these mate.

Finally got round to reading / watching a few things earlier, very helpful.

That beginners video came at just the right time!