Hello folks.
Been a member on this site for a couple weeks and i have to say the free information that is on here has helped me tremendously
Especially as i am not an experienced player at all. Only started playing "semi-seriously" this summer. I was one of those mega fishes who would play just for fun and spew away chips cursing my bad luck. One day i accidentally saw a "Gripsed" video(Poker pro Evan Jarvis free yt-channel) on Youtube and finally realized i am not as good as i think i am, actually i realized i was an awful awful player who had a long way 2 go to become anything near a good player. But that humbled me and i now have the mentality that i always can evolve my game and learn something new.
Started watching many of his videos, but also many of the deuces cracked Vids basically any vids i could get hold of, Also started to read many pokerbooks I was mainly a sng/mtt
player no cashgames whatsoever, dont like the format and the bum-hunting antics that goes in there. Always felt sng are more pure you
get the same amount of chips and you compete on the same terms, Maybe stupid to think like that but yeah whatever.
Anyways i fond moderate sucess on the micros at both sngs and mtts after signing up to Tournamentpokeredge and watching some of their great vids there but still felt like there was something lacking in my game and that was and still is tbh putting people on ranges and handreading.
I felt that the only way to really plug this leak and thus becoming better att both sng and mtts is to play a lot of husngs
and really try to master them.
My Nick is AK5092 At bot Stars and Fultilt but only play at Fulltilt(have some issues at stars at the moment)
anyone here willing to play me is welcome, i currently play at the 1$ level atm but hopefully will move up as soon as possible.
I am really warming to the idea of HUSNG and starting to realize that you need a tremendous amount of skill to succeed at those.
Hopefully I`ll be able to learn a lot from the pros here and move up the levels quickly as i get better. My goal is to be able to play the highest stakes Husngs By the end of 2015(31 dec 2015) without embarassing myself. 1000$-5000$ levels. I know it is a very optimistic goal but i`d rather aim very high and fall short then aim low and reaching my small goal. My strategý right now when playing is that i am
1 tabling, trying never to autopilot(as it has been one of my weaknesses) and really try to think about mine and villains decisions every step of the way. Also i do not use a HUD( as i want to learn as much as possible by being aware of everything that goes on, basically making it harder for myself so i learn) but i take A LOT of notes on all my opponents. I try to spot their mistakes and weaknesses and basicaly punish them wherever i feel i can get the better of them.
Currenty have managed to move from 0.50 to 1$ HUS(yay) and have a healthy bankroll for the 1$s :p
Here`s my Bankroll Schedule Which i created. I think it´s fairly good and will help me from going busto if i stick to it and is disciplined.
Im curios to know what yáll think about it.
Turbo BRM.
10$ and below = 0.50$ level
20$ and below = 1$ Level
45$ and below = 2.25$ Level
100$ and below= 5$ level
200$ and beow= 10$ level
700$ and below= 35$ level
1200 and below = 60$ level
2300 and below = 115 $ level
4000 and below = 200 $ level
and so on and so forth, so it`s basically 20 buyins for every level but once i reach x amount of dollars in my account i have to go down a level no matter what!! So for example now i have 27 buyins for the 1$ i am allowed according to this system to take shots at the 2.25$
but if i happen to lose 3-4 in a row i have to immediatey go down a level and try to grind it up instead of staying and losing more, or i could just keep on going and building up slowly with 1$ tournos. I think this system is good and gives a lot of room to take shots but also make sure u do not lose your roll if you are disciplined.
So thats basically it. I will try to improve my game as much as possible til the end of 2015, hopefully be good enough to play the high stakes husng(turbos) which is my primary goal. I will use this sites free videos( at first) to try to learn as much as possible and improve, also the forums and if anyone wants to add me and discuss husngs im up for it too. When i have enough money i wil buy some premium packs and maybe also get coaching when i get better and am able to afford a good coach.
Sorry for the long intro and my bad grammar(and english), Felt i needed to introduce my poker journey somewhat properly and all.
Wish me luck and ill see you at the tables ;-)
Good luck man. Better get a hud. :)
Just thought I'd pipe in with a quick dose of realism... Not trying to be a dream-killer but when people set goals that are unattainable they are doomed to fail. Couple of things:
I'm not saying you can't or won't succeed but I'm 99.9r% sure you will not achieve the outrageous goals you've set yourself. Lower the bar and work hard, you can still achieve a great deal.
Good luck.
I think you should give yourself some weekly or monthly attainable goals. Weather it be games hours played etc, but do not do profit.
I started out in husng turbos about two years ago and I think moving up one or two stakes a quarter is attainable till you hit the 50 or 60 dollar level. Then it is more likely a yearly goal. It's been two years and I'm still at the 50's.
It great to have lofty goals but make some that are also attainable in the short term you can work for.
Thank you all for the replies! As i said i am a beginner and im willing to learn as i go along, I will take all your words for consideration and hopefully it will help me on my future journey. Love to hear what levels you guys play and how your poker journey went if you want to share. Peace out and see ya at the tables.
'My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'