Hello Guys,
I'm the new HU master of the world.
I'm 21 and have been playing professionally poker for about a year.
Decided to change the format because I want to make big moneeeyyyyzzzzz. $$$
I'm going to make a challenge for myself. Starting with 200$ Bankroll and making millions of dollars. (yeah right)
I'm a Sng player and hope to adjust fast to HU's.
My poker goals:
50 tournaments per day
10% ROI
To be the best
Day 1.
I will start with $15's later today.
I like it extreme.
Hello Guys,
Haven't played much these days.
All players are incredibly weak, but I'm still feeling uncomfortably.
Of course this is a very small amount of Sngs.
There are some things I need to improve in my game.
I need to change my way of thinking.
I'm not making the right adjustments to the players. I'm playing very automatically.
Don't make any conclusions of their actions.
I guess after every move which a player decide to make, we can take notes and make any sort of a read about the villain.
I must pay more attention.
I would appreciate any kind of advice and help.
Spend last week in couching. Reviewing my hands etc. Found really big mistakes post-flop, on the flop mostly.
Watched some videos in 2-3 sites.
I'm feeling more confident and playing much better.
Big master. LOL