Hi, today I was playing with equity caluculator, and found something i can't understand, can someone please explain this to me:
Hero : 6h 7h
Villain: Ad Kc
Bord: Kh 9h 8d
Hero Eq: 56,77% Villain Eq: 43,23%
Thats all clear and understood, but if we make change to the board: Ks 9h 8h Eq changes to:
Hero Eq :56,26% Villain Eq: 43,74%
It's a little bid odd because Hero now has better draw... I guess it has to do something with - in second example - when the Kc hits the board opponent has a little bit more chance to hit fullhouse? Can someone make it clear?
I thought about it for some time and i guess i found the answer which is quite simple. W Kh on the board Hero stll got 9 safe flush cards which gives us 100% win. With Kh still in a deck Hero has 8 safe flush cards, and one flush card that can possibly make fullhouse to Villan. Am I correct? Thats amazing, it looks almost the same, but it really makes the difrences.