Hi, was just going through Coffeeyay's math pack. In it he shows constructing population tendencies in PT4; he seems to have 'minraise % 17-30bb' statistic for the range visualizer. However, when I click on the tool box in the top right, I can't seem to find it. The same goes for some other statistics I see him have. Is this because my PT4 in 2015 is new and they've been thrown out? How do I get those CoffeeHUD custom stats in there?
He made those videos with an older version of the HUD that wasn't in PT4's back end.
Since PT4 switched to the backend, they accidentally limited the premium protected HUD usage on the visualizer. It wasn't intended, but it likely won't be fixed anytime soon.
However, if you believe it's a priority fix, let them know. PT has a long history of prioritizing updates and improvements based on what their users care most about (on that note, if you think something else is a bigger priority, let them know instead).