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Zer01's picture
Competition and population for micros HUSNG on iPoker

What are your thoughts on the general competition level and player population on micro HUSNGs on iPoker network? If you play there is it difficult to find tables? Are they full or regs? I've been thinking about moving there for now.



RyPac13's picture
The competition level should

The competition level should be low and the traffic should be fine for micro stakes.

Once you get into mid to high stakes it's more competitive, but if you get "in" with the better players and they don't fight with you, you can get some really good games while rotating with other good players (aka the good guys avoid each other).

It's similar to how PS HUSNG lobbies worked 4-6 years ago, the better guys generally avoided each other, for better or worse.

Zer01's picture
My intention is to just stay

My intention is to just stay there until I clear my deposit bonuses. I'll keep changing skins in the network to clear them one by one. By the time I get to high stakes this whole PS stuff will already be clarified and I'll decide what is best.

RyPac13's picture
Playing on iPoker seems like

Playing on iPoker seems like a good plan to me.

The bonus plan isn't as good however, I believe. The FDP for each site are decent, but reload bonuses are almost the same value. Where you get screwed is by the new rake method on iPoker (for the last year), called SBR (source based rake). If you lose your deposit/money, it'll take awhile to get through the ecosystem. Your VIP/rakeback is only directly earned on half the rake you pay, the other half is credited towards "the player that deposited it." As you can imagine, it'll get quite complicated as player A can deposit, lose 1% of his deposit to Player B, who loses some to Player C, etc. So it can take many months to get full credit for a deposit you lose. Therefore, it's probably best to just pick the skin that gives you the best deal and stick with it, using reload bonuses to keep reloading as necessary (or even if you don't need to reload, you can use it to clear a bonus).

You can email me, membership@husng.com if you want two of the best iPoker skin options. If you turn out to just want to use bonuses on multiple sites, that's fine too, but I think it's likely to result in less money earned for you than if you focus on a single site and take advantage of a good VIP deal and those reloads.

Zer01's picture
Thanks for the answer. I just

Thanks for the answer. I just installed their client and noticed that there are hardly any games running at the lowest micros. They also don't seem to be accepting USD right now.